Category: infant mortality rates

U.S. Mortality Trends Over the Past 113 Years

This storyboard of U.S. mortality trends over the past 113 years highlights the differences in age-adjusted death rates and life expectancy at birth by race and sex; neonatal mortality and infant mortality rates by race; childhood mortality rates by age; and trends in age-adjusted death rates for five selected major causes of death. Deaths in Read More >

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International Comparisons of Infant Mortality and Related Factors: United States and Europe, 2010

A new NCHS report investigates the reasons for the United States’ high infant mortality rate when compared with European countries. Specifically, the report measures the impact on infant mortality differences of two major factors: the percentage of preterm births and gestational age-specific infant mortality rates. In 2010, the U.S. infant mortality rate was 6.1 infant deaths per Read More >

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