Category: rdc
Feasibility Files Help Researchers Manage Scope

NCHS’ record linkage program gives researchers a valuable resource, enabling them to take the “long view” and examine the factors that influence disability, chronic disease, health care utilization, morbidity, and mortality. Researchers also have another tool to determine the scope of available research, saving them time and even providing an opportunity to assess data before Read More >
Posted on byAdvancing the State of Methodological Knowledge

By thinking small, Dr. Nathaniel Schenker hopes that he and his associates will make a big contribution in the fight against cancer. Dr. Schenker is director of the Office of Research and Methodology (ORM), which serves as the central methodological research, development, and consulting unit for the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). ORM provides Read More >
Posted on byMilestones and Honors

Long-time DHANES, NHANES Director Retires Mr. Clifford Johnson, Director of the Division of Health Examination Statistics (DHANES) and its flagship program, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), retired from NCHS on November 30, 2012. Mr. Johnson had been with the NHANES program for more than 40 years. Starting as a research analyst, he rose Read More >
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