Category: QuickStats

QuickStats: Death Rates for Motor-Vehicle–Traffic Injuries, Suicide, and Homicide Among Adolescents and Young Adults Aged 15–24 Years — United States, 1999–2019

Mortality rates for adolescents and young adults aged 15–24 years for deaths from motor-vehicle–traffic injury, suicide, and homicide remained relatively stable during 1999–2006 and then exhibited different patterns through 2019. In 1999, the rate for motor-vehicle–traffic deaths was 25.6 per 100,000 population and declined to 13.7 in 2019. The suicide rate was 10.1 in 1999 Read More >

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QuickStats: Percentage of Women Who Have Ever Used Emergency Contraception† Among Women Aged 22–49 Years Who Have Ever Had Sexual Intercourse, by Education

Among women aged 22–49 years who have ever had sexual intercourse, 24.3% have ever used emergency contraception. The percentage of women who have ever used emergency contraception increased with education level, from 12.6% among women without a high school diploma or GED to 27.9% among women with a bachelor’s degree or higher. Source: National Survey of Read More >

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QuickStats: Percentage of Women Aged 22–44 Years Who Have Ever Cohabited with an Opposite-Sex Partner by Education

Among women aged 22–44 years, during 2015–2019, 67.3% had ever cohabited with an opposite-sex partner compared with 62.5% during 2006–2010. Among women with a high school diploma, GED, or less education, the percentages of those who had ever cohabited with an opposite-sex partner were similar (72.6%) across the two periods; the percentage of women with Read More >

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QuickStats: Percentage of Adults Aged 20 Years or Older Who Had Taken Any Dietary Supplement† in the Past 30 Days, by Sex and Family Income

During 2017–2018, 57.6% of adults aged ≥20 years had taken a dietary supplement within the past 30 days. The percentage increased with family income: 44.9% among those with family incomes <130% of the FPL, 56.2% among those with family incomes 130%–349% of the federal poverty level (FPL), and 65.7% among those with family incomes ≥350% Read More >

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QuickStats: Rate of Emergency Department (ED) Visits by Homeless Status and Geographic Region§ — National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, United States, 2015–2018

  During 2015–2018, there were annual averages of 42 ED visits per 100 total population, 42 ED visits per 100 nonhomeless persons, and 203 ED visits per 100 homeless persons. Within each region, the rate of ED visits among homeless persons was higher than the rate for nonhomeless persons. The rates of visits for nonhomeless Read More >

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QuickStats: Percentage of Emergency Department (ED) Visits Made by Adults with Influenza and Pneumonia That Resulted in Hospital Admission, by Age Group

During 2017–2018, 37.2% of ED visits for influenza and pneumonia by adults aged 18 years or older resulted in a hospital admission. The percentage increased with age from 14.4% for adults aged 18–54 years to 46.9% for adults aged 55–74 years and 69.7% for adults aged 75 years or older. Source: National Center for Health Statistics. Read More >

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QuickStats: Death Rates from Septicemia Among Persons Aged ≥65 Years, by Age Group — National Vital Statistics System, United States, 2000–2018

During 2000–2018, the death rate from septicemia among persons aged 65 years or older generally decreased from 70.8 to 58.7 deaths per 100,000 population. The death rate was lower in 2018 than in 2000 among persons aged 75–84 years (80.4 compared with 69.4) and among persons aged 85 years or older (215.7 compared with 167.4). Read More >

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QuickStats: Death Rates from Unintentional Falls Among Persons Aged ≥65 Years, by Age Group — National Vital Statistics System, United States, 1999–2018

From 1999 to 2018, death rates from unintentional falls among persons aged ≥65 years increased among all age groups. The largest increase occurred among persons aged ≥85 years, from 110.2 per 100,000 in 1999 to 270.5 in 2018. For persons aged 75–84 years, the rate increased from 31.5 to 63.1, and among those aged 65–74 Read More >

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QuickStats: Age-Adjusted Death Rates for Alzheimer Disease Among Adults Aged 65 Years or Older, by Sex and Race/Hispanic Origin

In 2018, the age-adjusted death rate for Alzheimer disease among adults aged 65 years or older was higher for women (267.9 deaths per 100,000) than for men (191.9). Among men, non-Hispanic White men had the highest death rate (201.7) compared with non-Hispanic Black (176.8) and Hispanic (168.4) men. Among women, non-Hispanic White women (285.1) had Read More >

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QuickStats: Percentage of Adults Aged 18 Years or Older Who Had an Unmet Mental Health Care Need Because of Cost in the Past 12 Months by Age Group and Sex

In 2019, 5.3% of adults aged 18 years or older had an unmet mental health care need because of cost in the past 12 months. Women (7.2%) were more likely than men (3.3%) to have an unmet mental health care need because of cost, regardless of age group. The percentage of men with an unmet Read More >

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QuickStats: Rate of Unintentional Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)–Related Deaths Among Persons Aged 24 Years and Under, by Age Group

From 1999 to 2018, death rates for unintentional TBI among persons aged 24 years and under declined across all age groups. During the 20-year period, TBI-related death rates declined from 3.7 per 100,000 to 1.5 among children aged 0–4 years, from 3.0 to 0.9 for children and adolescents aged 5–14 years, from 14.7 to 4.4 Read More >

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QuickStats: Death Rates from Influenza and Pneumonia Among Persons Aged 65 Years or Older

In 2018, the death rate from influenza and pneumonia among persons aged 65 years or older was 93.2 deaths per 100,000 population. Death rates increased with age from 31.7 deaths per 100,000 population among adults aged 65–74 years, to 94.2 among adults aged 75–84 years, to 377.6 among those aged 85 years or older. Rates Read More >

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QuickStats: Management of Patient Health Information Functions Among Office-Based Physicians With and Without a Certified Electronic Health Record (EHR) System

In 2018, 78.7% of office-based physicians had a certified electronic health record (EHR) system. A higher percentage of office-based physicians with a certified EHR system compared with those without a system electronically sent (95.5% versus 72.8%), received (95.3% versus 69.0%), integrated (92.8% versus 67.4%), or searched for (90.5% versus 73.3%) patient health information. Source: National Electronic Read More >

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QuickStats: Prevalence of Complete Tooth Loss Among Adults Aged 65 Years or Older by Federal Poverty Level — National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, United States, 1999–2018

The age-adjusted prevalence of complete tooth loss among adults aged 65 years or older decreased from 29.3% during 1999–2000 to 12.6% during 2017–2018. For the same period, the prevalence decreased from 42.1% to 23.5% for adults living at less than 200% of the federal poverty level and from 17.7% to 8.5% for adults living at Read More >

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QuickStats: Age-Adjusted Lung Cancer Death Rates by State — National Vital Statistics System, United States, 2018

In 2018, the age-adjusted lung cancer death rate in the United States was 34.8 per 100,000. Twenty-one states had a higher lung cancer death rate than the national rate, 15 states and DC had lower death rates, and 14 states had rates that were not statistically different from the national rate. Most states with higher Read More >

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QuickStats: Prevalence of Past or Present Infection with Hepatitis B Virus Among Adults Aged 18 Years or Older, by Race and Hispanic Origin — National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999–2018

The prevalence of past or present infection with hepatitis B virus among adults aged 18 years or older declined from 5.7% in 1999–2002 to 4.3% in 2015–2018. A decline among non-Hispanic White (3.5% to 2.1%), non-Hispanic Black (15.6% to 10.8%), and Mexican American (3.5% to 1.8%) adults also occurred over the same period. Prevalence was Read More >

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QuickStats: Rates of Deaths Attributed to Unintentional Injury from Fire or Flames by Age Group and Urbanization Level

In 2018, the death rates attributed to unintentional injury from fire or flames were lowest among those aged 15–24 years and highest among those aged 75 years or older. In rural areas, death rates decreased with age from 2.0 per 100,000 for persons aged 0–4 years to 0.3 for those aged 15–24 years, and then Read More >

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QuickStats: Death Rates from Stroke Among Persons Aged ≥65 Years, by Sex and Age Group

In 2018, the death rate from stroke was 242.7 per 100,000 persons aged 65 years or older. Persons aged 85 years or older had the highest death rate from stroke (984.3), followed by those aged 75–84 years (256.0) and those aged 65–74 years (76.8). For both men and women, the death rates increased with age.  The Read More >

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QuickStats: Age-Adjusted Death Rates for Males, Females and Both Sexes — United States, 2009–2018

During 2009–2018, the age-adjusted death rate in the United States generally declined, from 749.6 per 100,000 in 2009 to 723.6 in 2018. The death rate among males declined from 2009 (890.9) to 2014 (855.1), increased in 2015 (863.2), and then remained relatively flat until 2018 (855.5). Among females, the death rate declined steadily from 2009 Read More >

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QuickStats: Percentage of Adults Aged 50–75 Years Who Received Colorectal Cancer Screening by Poverty Status and Year — National Health Interview Survey, United States, 2010 and 2018

The percentage of adults aged 50–75 years who received colorectal cancer tests or procedures increased from 58.7% in 2010 to 65.5% in 2018. The percentage increased from 2010 to 2018 in all income groups: from 37.9% to 53.1% among poor, 47.9% to 56.7% among near poor, and 63.6% to 68.7% among not poor adults. In Read More >

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QuickStats: Percentage of Adults Who Volunteered or Worked in a Hospital, Medical Clinic, Doctor’s Office, Dentist’s Office, Nursing Home, or Some Other Health Care Facility by Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin — National Health Interview Survey, United States, 2016–2018

During 2016–2018, women aged 18 years or older were more likely to volunteer or work in a hospital, medical clinic, doctor’s office, dentist’s office, nursing home, or some other health care facility (health care settings) than were men (12.3% compared with 5.2%). Non-Hispanic black (15.8%), Asian (12.8%), and white women (12.3%) were more likely to Read More >

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QuickStats: Percentage of Adults Aged ≥65 Years Who Received Care at Home From a Nurse or Other Health Care Professional During the Past 12 Months

In 2018, the percentage of adults aged ≥65 years who received care at home from a nurse or other health care professional during the past 12 months increased with age from 4.5% for adults aged 65–69 years, to 8.2% for those aged 70–74 years and 13.2% for those aged ≥75 years. Source: National Health Interview Read More >

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QuickStats: Age-Adjusted Percentage of Adults Aged 18 Years or Older Who Currently Have Asthma by Sex and Race/Ethnicity

During 2017–2018, women aged 18 years or older were more likely than men (9.7% versus 5.5%) to currently have asthma. This pattern prevailed in each of the race/ethnicity groups: Hispanic adults (7.8% versus 3.9%); non-Hispanic white adults (10.3% versus 5.9%); non-Hispanic black adults (11.4% versus 6.2%); and non-Hispanic Asian adults (5.0% versus 3.3%). Non-Hispanic white Read More >

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QuickStats: Reason for the Most Recent Colonoscopy Among Adults Aged 50–75 Years Who Had a Test in the Past 10 Years

In 2018, 60.6% of U.S. adults aged 50–75 years without a personal history of colorectal cancer had a colonoscopy in the past 10 years. Of these, 81.2% had their most recent colonoscopy as part of routine screening, 10.6% had their most recent colonoscopy because of a problem, 5.2% as a follow-up to an earlier test Read More >

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QuickStats: Percentage of Families That Did Not Get Needed Medical Care Because of Cost by Poverty Status

The percentage of all families that did not get needed medical care because of cost in the past 12 months decreased from 12.1% in 2013 to 9.7% 2018. From 2013 to 2018, the percentage of poor families that did not get medical care decreased (22.7% to 17.3%) as did the percentage of near-poor families (20.4% Read More >

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