Category: 1

A brief look at digestive disease

Health care visits for digestive symptoms. – Physician office visits: 35.9 million in 2006 and 28.7 in 2005 (link to 2006 and 2005 reports) – Hospital outpatient visits: 3.2 million in 2006 and 3.6 million in 2005 (link to 2006 and 2005 reports) – Emergency room visits: 7.2 million in 2006 and 6.9 million in 2005 Read More >

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A brief look at anemia

Anemia/Iron Deficiency: Morbidity Percentage of children ages 1-2 years with iron deficiency: 7 Percentage of females ages 12-49 with iron deficiency: 12 Source: Iron Deficiency–United States, 1999-2000      Nursing home care Number of residents with anemia: 174,600 Percentage of residents with anemia: 1.1 Source: National Nursing Home Survey, 1999    Mortality Number of deaths: Read More >

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Teen births increase in over one-half of states

The teen birth rate increased in more than half of all 50 states in 2006, according to an NCHS report released today. Click here for the report. The data show teen birth rates were highest in the South and Southwest, with the highest rate recorded in Mississippi (68.4), followed by New Mexico (64.1) and Texas Read More >

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Health insurance is related to marital status

Overall, unmarried (divorced or never married) women aged 25-64 years are more likely to be uninsured (21%) than married women (13%) in the same age group.. Poor married women are more likely to be uninsured than poor unmarried women, in part because they are less likely to have Medicaid coverage. See more at Read More >

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A brief look at multiple births

For births in 2005–most recent data; twin births continued to increase (42% since 1990), while higher-order births continued to decrease. Number of twin births: 133,122 Number of triplet births: 6,208 Number of quadruplet births: 418 Number of quintuplets and other higher order births: 68 For more information, click here. Read More >

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