2017 Final Deaths, Leading Causes of Death and Life Tables Reports Released
Posted on byNCHS released a report that presents the final 2017 data on U.S. deaths, death rates, life expectancy, infant mortality, and trends, by selected characteristics such as age, sex, Hispanic origin and race, state of residence, and cause of death.
Key Findings:
- In 2017, a total of 2,813,503 deaths were reported in the United States.
- The age-adjusted death rate was 731.9 deaths per 100,000 U.S. standard population, an increase of 0.4% from the 2016 rate.
- Life expectancy at birth was 78.6 years, a decrease of 0.1 year from the 2016 rate.
- Life expectancy decreased from 2016 to 2017 for non-Hispanic white males (0.1 year) and non-Hispanic black males (0.1), and increased for non-Hispanic black females (0.1).
- Age-specific death rates increased in 2017 from 2016 for age groups 25–34, 35–44, and 85 and over, and decreased for age groups under 1 and 45–54.
- The 15 leading causes of death in 2017 remained the same as in 2016 although, two causes exchanged ranks.
- Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, the 12th leading cause of death in 2016, became the 11th leading cause of death in 2017, while Septicemia, the 11th leading cause of death in 2016, became the 12th leading cause of death in 2017.
- The infant mortality rate, 5.79 infant deaths per 1,000 live births in 2017, did not change significantly from the rate of 5.87 in 2016.
NCHS also released the 2017 U.S. Life Tables and Leading Causes of Death Reports.
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Categories adults, Cancer, chronic kidney disease, COPD, Deaths, diabetes, Drug use (illegal), Drug Use (legal), elderly, Flu, Influenza
Page last reviewed: June 24, 2019
Page last updated: June 24, 2019
Content source:
CDC, National Center for Health Statistics