QuickStats: Use of Equipment or Assistance for Getting Around Among Persons Aged 50 Years or Older — National Health Interview Survey, 2014–2015

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In 2014–2015, 13.9% of persons aged 50 years or older used equipment or received assistance for getting around. Specifically, 9.6% of persons aged 50 years or older used a cane or walking stick, 5.8% used a walker or Zimmer frame, and 5.3% had assistance from another person.

Wheelchairs or scooters were used by 3.5%, crutches by 0.7%, and artificial limbs by 0.6%.

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/65/wr/mm6549a7.htm

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Page last reviewed: December 19, 2016
Page last updated: December 19, 2016