New Reports Examine Health Insurance Coverage in 2022

Posted on by Christy Hagen

Computer keyboard, stethoscope, and clipboard that says "Health Insurance"NCHS has released two new National Health Statistics Reports, “Geographic Variation in Health Insurance Coverage: United States 2022,” and “Demographic Variation in Health Insurance Coverage: United States 2022,” that describe the national estimates of different types of health insurance coverage and estimates of being uninsured. Estimates are presented by selected sociodemographic and geographic characteristics.

Overall, in 2022, 28.1 million (8.6%) people of all ages were uninsured. Among people younger than age 65, 10.2% were uninsured, 64.0% had private coverage, and 28.2% had public coverage.


  • Among working-age adults (ages 18–64), 24.7 million (12.4%) were uninsured.
  • Among children, 3.0 million (4.2%) were uninsured.
  • Among people younger than age 65, 64.0% were covered by private health insurance, including 56.0% with employment-based coverage and 6.8% with directly purchased coverage. Moreover, 4.5% were covered by exchange-based coverage, a type of directly purchased coverage.
  • Among people younger than age 65, about two in five children and one in five adults ages 18–64 had public health coverage, mainly Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program.
  • Among adults age 65 and older, the percentage who were covered by private health insurance (with or without Medicare), Medicare Advantage, and traditional Medicare varied by age, family income, education level, and race and Hispanic origin


  • Among adults ages 18–64, those living in non-Medicaid expansion states were twice as likely to be uninsured (19.6%) compared with those living in Medicaid expansion states (9.1%). A similar pattern was observed among children ages 0–17 years.
  • The percentage of adults ages 18–64 who were uninsured was significantly higher than the national average (12.4%) in Florida (17.9%), Georgia (21.2%), Tennessee (21.6%), and Texas (27.0%), and significantly lower than the national average in Maryland (7.0%), Massachusetts (3.0%), Michigan (6.5%), New York (5.6%), Ohio (8.6%), Pennsylvania (7.2%), Virginia (8.5%), Washington (7.3%), and Wisconsin (7.0%).
  • The percentage of people younger than age 65 who were uninsured was lowest in the New England region (3.5%).
  • Among adults ages 18–64, the percentage who were uninsured ranged from 10.1% for those living in large fringe (suburban) metropolitan counties to 13.9% for both those living in nonmetropolitan counties and large central metropolitan counties.

These reports use data from the 2022 National Health Interview Survey. NHIS is a nationally representative household survey of the U.S. civilian noninstitutionalized population. It is conducted continuously throughout the year by CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics.

Posted on by Christy HagenTags
Page last reviewed: November 8, 2023
Page last updated: November 8, 2023