New Detailed Race and Ethnicity Data Query System

Posted on by Brian Tsai

NCHS has released a new interactive data query system that allows users to search for data on adults about selected health topics by detailed race and ethnicity groups and subgroups in the United States.

The new system provides estimates as three-year averages based on 2019-2021 final data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). The three-year averages are needed to produce a reliable estimate for the level of detail on Hispanic and Asian subgroups.

The data are presented in a table and chart format for

  • selected diseases and conditions
  • mental health
  • health status
  • difficulties in functioning
  • health behaviors
  • health insurance coverage
  • cost-related problems accessing healthcare
  • health care use

Users can view data for the selected health topics by single race, multiple races, race combined with Hispanic or Latino origin, or Asian and Hispanic detailed groups.

This level of detail is not available in the NHIS Annual Interactive Summary Health Statistics for Adults, which contains single-year estimates.

NHIS is the principal source of information on the health of the civilian noninstitutionalized population of the United States. It is one of the primary data collection programs of CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics.

The interactive data query system is available at:

Posted on by Brian TsaiTags
Page last reviewed: February 6, 2023
Page last updated: February 6, 2023