QuickStats: Percentage of Total Deaths, by Age and Hispanic Origin and Race — United States, 2020
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Significant differences in the age distribution of deaths by race and ethnicity were observed in the United States during 2020.
Decedents aged <65 years accounted for 26% of all U.S. deaths, but they accounted for approximately 50% of deaths among American Indian or Alaska Native (AI/AN) and Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (NH/OPI) persons, 40% of deaths among Black or African American (Black) and Hispanic or Latino (Hispanic) persons, and 20% of deaths among Asian and White persons.
Smaller differences were noted among persons aged 65–84 years. Among persons aged ≥85 years, the pattern was reversed, with the percentage of all deaths ranging from approximately 11% among AI/AN and NH/OPI persons to 33% for Asian and White persons.
Source: National Vital Statistics System, Underlying Cause of Death by Single-Race Categories, 2018–2020. https://wonder.cdc.gov/ucd-icd10-expanded.html
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