Shingles Vaccination Among Adults Aged 60 and Over: United States, 2018

Posted on by NCHS

Questions for Emily Terlizzi, Health Statistician and Lead Author of “Shingles Vaccination Among Adults Aged 60 and Over: United States, 2018.”

Q: Can you summarize how the data varied by sex, age group, race and Hispanic origin, and education?

ET: In 2018, the percentage of adults aged 60 and over who had ever received a shingles vaccine was higher among older adults, non-Hispanic whites, and those who were not poor or had more than a high school diploma or GED. Shingles receipt did not significantly differ by sex.

Q: Are there any trend data that goes back further than 2008?

ET: NHIS trend data on shingles vaccination is not available before 2008, as this was the first year the NHIS asked about this vaccination.

Q: What is the take home message for this report?

ET: Shingles vaccination has increased since 2008, however, disparities in receipt of this vaccination still remain.

Q: What resources does the CDC have on shingles vaccination?

ET: The CDC has a lot of useful information online about shingles vaccination. For more information, please visit:

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Page last reviewed: July 9, 2020
Page last updated: July 9, 2020