Stats of the States: Arkansas

Posted on by NCHS

ArkansasArkansas has the highest teen birth rate in the nation (30.4 live births per 1,000 females ages 15-19), and the 10th highest overall fertility rate for women of all ages. Arkansas also has the 3rd highest marriage rate in the country, behind Nevada and Hawaii, but also the 2nd highest divorce rate (behind Nevada). The leading cause of death in the state is Heart Disease, followed by (2) Cancer (3) Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease (4) Stroke (5) Accidents (6) Alzheimer disease (7) Diabetes (8) Kidney Disease (9) Influenza & Pneumonia, and (10) Suicide. The infant mortality rate in Arkansas is the 3rd highest in the country. The state ranks 6th in cesarean deliveries and in low birthweight births and 5th in preterm births. However, the drug overdose rate in Arkansas of 15.7 overdose deaths per 100,000 people is among the lower rates in the country and is 27% lower than the national rate.

SOURCE: National Vital Statistics System, 2018


Posted on by NCHS
Page last reviewed: May 28, 2020
Page last updated: May 28, 2020