Characteristics of Office-based Physician Visits, 2014

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In 2014, most Americans had a usual place to receive health care (86% of adults and 97% of children). A majority of children and adults listed a doctor’s office as the usual place they received care. In 2014, there were an estimated 885 million office-based physician visits in the United States.

A new NCHS report examines office-based physician visit rates by age and sex. It also examines visit characteristics, including insurance status, reason for visit, and services, by age. Estimates use data from the 2014 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS).


  • In 2014, there were an estimated 282 office-based physician visits per 100 persons.
  • The visit rate among females exceeded the rate for males, and the rates for both infants and older adults exceeded the rates for those aged 1–64 years.
  • Compared with other age groups, a higher percentage of visits by adults aged 18–64 indicated no insurance.
  • A larger percentage of visits by children under age 18 years were for either preventive care or a new problem, compared with adults aged 18 and over.
  • Compared with children, a larger percentage of visits by adults included a laboratory test, imaging service, or a procedure being ordered or provided.
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Page last reviewed: December 12, 2017
Page last updated: December 12, 2017