QuickStats: Percentage of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)–Related Deaths by Underlying Cause and Age Group — United States, 2013

Posted on by NCHS

The causes of injury that result in TBI-related deaths vary by age group. In 2013, 77% of the TBI-related deaths among infants aged <1 year were from causes other than transportation, firearms, or falls, and primarily resulted from assault and maltreatment.

Transportation accounted for 53% of the TBI-related deaths among children aged 1–14 years. Firearm-related injuries accounted for 50% and 52% of the TBI-related deaths for persons aged 15–24 and 25–64 years, respectively. Most of the firearm-related TBI deaths in these two age groups were suicides (62% and 83%, respectively).

The majority (61%) of TBI-related deaths for those aged ≥65 years resulted from falls.

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Page last reviewed: May 27, 2015
Page last updated: May 27, 2015