QuickStats: Age-Adjusted Rates for Suicide by Urbanization of County of Residence— United States, 2004 and 2013

Posted on by NCHS


The overall age-adjusted suicide rate was 11.0 deaths per 100,000 population in the United States in 2004 and 12.6 in 2013.

From 2004 to 2013, the suicide rate increased in all county urbanization categories, with the smallest increase (7%) in large central metropolitan counties and the largest increases in small metropolitan, town/city (micropolitan) and rural counties (approximately 20% in each).

For both years, suicide rates were increasingly higher as counties became less urbanized. For 2013, the age-adjusted suicide rate in rural counties was 1.7 times the rate for large central metropolitan counties (17.6 compared with 10.3 deaths per 100,000).


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Page last reviewed: April 21, 2015
Page last updated: April 21, 2015