Dr. Anne Driscoll: Liberia Deployment “Unforgettable and Enlightening”
Posted on byNCHS Senior Service Fellow Dr. Anne Driscoll deployed to Liberia from November 16 to December 12, 2014, as part of CDC’s Ebola response. She partnered with the Bomi County health team, World Health Organization, United Nations Children’s Fund, Global Communities, International Organization for Migration, Liberian Red Cross Society, and other nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to improve the county health team’s ability to combat the spread of the virus.
As an epidemiologist, Dr. Driscoll supported the county health department in honing their case investigation, contact tracing, and safe burial practices. She worked with the data management team to strengthen the quality, completeness, timeliness, and use of data. With others, she fostered cooperation and communication between the county and the local and international NGOs to enhance their Ebola response. With her Liberian and international colleagues, she investigated potential hot spots and traced the source case and contacts, some of whom became suspect or probable cases of Ebola infection.
Dr. Driscoll describes her time in Liberia as unforgettable and enlightening. She experienced firsthand the importance of learning as much as possible about the beliefs and fears, knowledge and culture of a people to understand how policies are perceived, understood, and carried out in the field. She said she is grateful to the Liberians dedicated to battling Ebola who invited her contribution, and who continue working toward eradication of this disease in their country.

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