United States Life Tables, 2010
Posted on byA new NCHS report presents complete period life tables for the United States by race, Hispanic origin, and sex, based on age-specific death rates in 2010.
Key Findings from the Report:
- In 2010, the overall expectation of life at birth was 78.7 years.
- Between 2009 and 2010, life expectancy at birth increased for all groups considered.
- Life expectancy increased for both males (from 76.0 to 76.2) and females (80.9 to 81.0) and for the white population (78.8 to 78.9), the black population (74.7 to 75.1), the Hispanic population (81.1 to 81.4), the non-Hispanic white population (78.7 to 78.8), and the non-Hispanic black population (74.4 to 74.7).
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Page last reviewed: November 6, 2014
Page last updated: November 6, 2014
Content source:
CDC, National Center for Health Statistics