NHIS Report on Health Insurance Coverage

Posted on by NCHS

NCHS has released a report on selected estimates of health insurance coverage for the civilian noninstitutionalized U.S. population based on data from the 2012 National Health Interview Survey.

Key Findings from the Report:

• In 2012, 45.5 million persons of all ages were uninsured at the time of interview, 57.7 million  had been uninsured for at least part of the year prior to interview, and 34.1 million had been uninsured for more than a year at the time of interview.
• An estimated 14.7% of the population were uninsured (at the time of the interview) in 2012, compared to 15.4% in 1997.
• In 2012, 4.9 million children under age 18 were uninsured at the time of interview.
• In 2012, the percentage of persons interview, among the 43 states included in this report, ranged from 4.8% in Massachusetts to 20.9% in Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas.
• In 2012, 31.1% of persons under age 65 with private health insurance at the time of interview were enrolled in a high-deductible health plan (HDHP), including 10.8% who were enrolled in a consumer directed health plan. More
than 50% of persons with a private plan obtained by means other than through employment were enrolled in an HDHP.
• An estimated 21.6% of persons with private health insurance were in a family with a flexible spending account  for medical expenses.

Posted on by NCHS
Page last reviewed: June 20, 2013
Page last updated: June 20, 2013