How you can use CDC WONDER
Posted on byAre you interested in finding death statistics? Leading causes of death or specific death rates by age, race, ethnicity, and sex (as well as other selected characteristics) are available in the WONDER database ( You can utilize this resource to get death rates data, but it also can be used to build tables, charts, and graphs. Several specific features are listed below:
– On the main WONDER page, click on “Leading Causes of Death” to build leading cause of death tables by race, ethnicity, and/or sex. Once the table pops up, click on “Unintentional Injury,” “Suicide,” or “Homicide,” to get more specific causes of death.
-On the main WONDER page, click on “Mortality – underlying cause of death” and select desired years. Select various characteristics (age group, sex, race/ethnicity, state, cause of death, and injury intent) to receive a detailed death rate report. The report also has “map” and “chart” options available–just click on the tabs at the top of the report.
Assistance is always available–contact 301-458-4800 if you are a journalist or 800-232-4636 if you are a member of the general public.