
Workers Memorial Day, 2020: NIOSH Director John Howard, M.D., Reflects on the State of Worker Safety and Health

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Occupational Safety and Health Act that established the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) as the sole federal agency focused on worker safety and health research. The Act also charged the Secretary of Labor with setting and enforcing workplace safety and health standards, giving birth Read More >

Posted on by John Howard, M.D17 Comments

Die weitreichenden Folgen arbeitsbedingter Müdigkeit

Als Müdigkeit bezeichnet man die „Reaktion des Körpers auf Schlafmangel oder langanhaltende körperliche oder geistige Anstrengung.“1 Die Müdigkeit wird immer stärker, je länger der Schlafmangel bzw. die körperliche/geistige Anstrengung andauert. Das einzige, was gegen die Müdigkeit hilft, ist ausreichend Ruhe. Berufstätige mit ungewöhnlichen Arbeitszeiten wie Schichtarbeit, sehr frühem Arbeitsbeginn oder langen Arbeitstagen haben allerdings nur Read More >

Posted on by Imelda Wong, PhD, und Anna Arlinghaus, PhD

Fadiga relacionada ao trabalho vai além do ambiente laboral

A fadiga é definida como “a resposta do organismo à falta de sono ou a esforço físico ou mental prolongado”.1 Dessa forma, quanto mais períodos de sono insuficiente ou esforço físico/mental temos, mais fadigados ficamos. Essa fadiga só pode ser resolvida com descanso adequado. No entanto, para pessoas que trabalham em jornadas fora do padrão, Read More >

Posted on by Imelda Wong, PhD, e Anna Arlinghaus, PhD


疲労は、「睡眠不足または肉体・精神を長時間使うことに対する身体の反応」と定義されています1。そのため、睡眠不足または肉体/精神を使う時間が増加するにつれて、疲労が溜まっていきます。この疲労は十分な休息によってのみ軽減することができます。 Read More >

Posted on by Imelda Wong(PhD)、Anna Arlinghaus(PhD)

La fatiga relacionada con el trabajo va más allá del ámbito laboral

La fatiga ha sido definida como “la respuesta del cuerpo a la falta de sueño o al esfuerzo físico o mental prolongado”1. Como tal, a medida que aumentan los periodos de sueño insuficiente o esfuerzo físico o mental, más fatigados estamos. Esta fatiga solo se puede reducir con descanso suficiente. Sin embargo, para los trabajadores Read More >

Posted on by Imelda Wong, PhD, y Anna Arlinghaus, PhD


疲勞的定義是「身體對睡眠不足或對長時間體力或腦力勞累所產生的反應。」1 因此,隨著睡眠不足或體力/腦力勞累的加劇,我們變得更為疲勞。只有充分休息才能減輕這種疲勞。 Read More >

Posted on by 作者為 Imelda Wong 博士和 Anna Arlinghaus 博士

Work-related Fatigue Reaches Beyond the Workplace

Fatigue has been defined as “the body’s response to sleep loss or to prolonged physical or mental exertion.”1 As such, with increasing periods of insufficient sleep or physical/mental exertion, the more fatigued we become. This fatigue can only be reduced with sufficient rest. However, for workers employed in nonstandard schedules, such as with shift work, Read More >

Posted on by Imelda Wong, PhD, and Anna Arlinghaus, PhD8 Comments

Work-Related Low-Back Injury and Increased Rate of Death

Do certain types of work-related disabilities lead to an increased rate of death? This question has not been well studied. Recently published research, “Increased overall and cause‐specific mortality associated with disability among workers’ compensation claimants with low back injuries,” examined the issue. [1]  The study found that those with a lost-time disabling low-back workers’ compensation Read More >

Posted on by Chris Martin, MD, MSc, and Stephen Bertke, PhD2 Comments

Understanding the Use of Imported Non-NIOSH-Approved Respirators

When a respirator has been approved by NIOSH, the user can be confident that the device will provide the expected level of protection, as long as it fits properly and is worn correctly. But when serious outbreak conditions cause a shortage of the NIOSH-approved filtering facepiece respirators (FFRs), other reliable options must be found. When Read More >

Posted on by Maryann M. D’Alessandro, PhD; John Powers, BS; and Jaclyn Krah Cichowicz, MA

Uso adecuado del respirador N95 para estar preparado para la protección respiratoria

Cuando ocurren brotes de enfermedades infecciosas, dependemos de los profesionales de atención médica para que cuiden a los afectados, lo cual los pone en mayor riesgo de exposición al patógeno causante de la enfermedad. Mientras que los controles técnicos y administrativos deberían ser lo primero que se considere para proteger a estos trabajadores de la Read More >

Posted on by Maryann M. D’Alessandro, PhD, y Jaclyn Krah Cichowicz, MA

Controlar a fadiga em momentos de crise: Orientação para enfermeiros, gerentes e outros funcionários de serviços de saúde

Em momentos de crise, funcionários de saúde (por exemplo, enfermeiros, enfermeiros licenciados em clínica geral, médicos, assistentes de enfermagem etc.) continuam a oferecer atendimento, mesmo com demandas desafiadoras de trabalho, incluindo maior internação de pacientes gravemente doentes, aumento do estresse no trabalho e uma necessidade frequente de horas extras. Essas demandas de trabalho podem compor Read More >

Posted on by enfermeira Beverly M. Hittle, PhD; Imelda S. Wong, PhD; e enfermeira Claire C. Caruso, PhD, FAAN1 Comment


危機発生時、重症患者の搬入の増加、業務上のストレスの増加、超過勤務の必要性の増加を含め、かつてない困難な業務負荷の中にあっても、医療従事者(例:看護師、専門看護師、医師、准看護師)は医療行為を継続します。こういった業務負荷は既に厳しい勤務環境(すなわち、12時間シフト、夜勤)と合わさり、しっかりと回復するためのシフト中の通常の休憩時間やシフト間の休日など、十分な休憩・休日の確保を難しくしています。これらの業務上の因子のすべて(すなわち、身体的、心理的、および/または精神的負荷)が睡眠不足と重なることで疲労に繋がります1-3。 Read More >

Posted on by Beverly M. Hittle (PhD, RN)、Imelda S. Wong(PhD), Claire C. Caruso(PhD, RN、FAAN)

NIOSH Ventilated Headboard Provides Solution to Patient Isolation During an Epidemic

To protect healthcare workers, other patients, and visitors from exposure to airborne infectious diseases, patients in hospital settings sometimes need to be placed in airborne infection isolation rooms (AIIRs). AIIRs contain specific engineered features to isolate and more-quickly remove potentially infectious patient aerosols so that they do not infect others. Isolation rooms are expensive, costing Read More >

Posted on by Kenneth R. Mead Ph.D., PE20 Comments

Summary of Recommendations from the Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program from 2006—2014

Since 1998, NIOSH has conducted independent investigations of firefighter line-of-duty deaths and recommended ways to prevent deaths and injuries through the Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program (FFFIPP). A recent article, “Summary of recommendations from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program, 2006–2014” provides information on Read More >

Posted on by Suzanne Marsh, MPA; Sydney Webb, PhD; and Karis Kline, MS

Respiratory Protection During Outbreaks: Respirators versus Surgical Masks

Consistent use of respirators improves protection against respiratory illness Consistent use of personal protective equipment (PPE) is an important part of the strategy to protect healthcare professionals from inhaling infectious particles, preventing the spread of respiratory infection between healthcare professionals and patients. Two types of devices are most commonly used in the healthcare setting: N95 Read More >

Posted on by Christopher Coffey, Ph.D; Maryann M. D’Alessandro, PhD; and Jaclyn Krah Cichowicz, MA

NIOSH Encourages Worker Well-Being Research

NIOSH continues to seek new ways to promote worker well-being research through programs and new initiatives, including the Total Worker Health® and Healthy Work Design and Well-being cross-sector programs. Total Worker Health (TWH) is a holistic approach to worker well-being. By acknowledging work-related risk factors that can impact health, the TWH approach seeks to improve Read More >

Posted on by Toni Alterman, PhD; Chia-Chia Chang, MBA, MPH; Abay Asfaw, PhD; Kaori Fujishiro, PhD; Candice Y Johnson, PhD; Emily Stiehl, PhD; and Sarah Mitchell, MPH2 Comments

Managing Fatigue During Times of Crisis: Guidance for Nurses, Managers, and Other Healthcare Workers

At times of crisis, healthcare workers (e.g., nurses, advanced practice nurses, physicians, nursing assistants, etc.) continue to provide care, despite ever challenging work demands, including higher influx of critically ill patients, increased work stress, and a frequent need for overtime. These work demands can compound already challenging work schedules (i.e. 12-hour shifts, night shifts), making Read More >

Posted on by Beverly M. Hittle, PhD, RN, Imelda S. Wong, PhD and Claire C. Caruso, PhD, RN, FAAN11 Comments

Manejo de la fatiga en tiempos de crisis: Directrices para enfermeros, administradores y otros trabajadores de atención médica

En tiempos de crisis, los trabajadores de atención médica (por ejemplo, enfermeros, enfermeros especialistas, médicos, auxiliares de enfermería, etc.) siguen brindando atención, a pesar de exigencias laborales constantemente arduas, como mayor afluencia de enfermos críticos, mayor estrés laboral y la necesidad frecuente de horas extras. Estas exigencias pueden complicar jornadas laborales ya complejas (es decir, Read More >

Posted on by Beverly M. Hittle, PhD, RN, Imelda S. Wong, PhD y Claire C. Caruso, PhD, RN, FAAN

The Need for Fit Testing During Emerging Infectious Disease Outbreaks

Proper respirator use is essential for healthcare workers who are expected to interact with patients with infectious respiratory diseases. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires healthcare facilities to maintain a respiratory protection program that specifies requirements such as annual fit testing, medical clearance, and training. Initial fit testing is required before using a Read More >

Posted on by Maryann M. D’Alessandro, PhD; LT Megan Casey, RN, BSN, MPH; and Jaclyn Krah Cichowicz, MA