Category: Risk Assessment

NIOSH Risk Assessment of Engineered Nanomaterials

Nanotechnology as we know it today did not exist at the time of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. Yet, its provisions to “assure safe and healthful working conditions” apply to nanotechnology workplaces and other workplaces where engineered nanomaterials are produced or used. Engineered nanomaterials are used in a variety of products and Read More >

Posted on by Eileen D. Kuempel, PhDLeave a comment

Risk-Based Model to Resume Field Research and Public Health Service During the COVID-19 Pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many workplaces across the world strictly limited or ceased in-person activities, including parts of the Federal government.  While much work continued remotely, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) needed to make decisions about allowing employees to travel to conduct workplace safety and health field research and public health Read More >

Posted on by Douglas Johns, PhD, MS; Kristin Yeoman, MD, MPH; Joshua Harney, MS; John Howard, MD; and Gerald Poplin, PhD, MSLeave a comment

Measuring Workplace Risks across States

When assessing workplace safety in the United States, we have to consider what measures of risk to use. If all measures are strongly positively correlated, this may not matter. But they are not, so the choice of risk measure does matter: states where employers report the highest rates of non-fatal injuries have the lowest fatality Read More >

Posted on by John Mendeloff, PhD, and Wayne B. Gray, PhD7 Comments

A Mini-Symposium on Cumulative Risk Assessment in the Occupational Setting

Many of us in the occupational safety and health field have likely faced an issue similar to this: The workers in my plant are exposed to both noise and solvents. I’ve read that both of these exposures can interact to cause hearing loss. How should I control these exposures to reduce the risk of occupational Read More >

Posted on by R. Todd Niemeier, MS, CIH; T.J. Lentz, Ph.D; and Molly Leshner1 Comment