Most-viewed NIOSH Products in 2023
Posted on byEach January we look back at our most-viewed products from the previous year. This helps us gauge our impact and understand the type of information our users are seeking. Interest in all our platforms remains high. The subject matter making our most-viewed lists covers a wide range of topics including the prevention of firefighter cancer, heat stress, falls, suicide, hearing loss, and hazardous drug exposures. Continue reading to see our most-viewed information on the NIOSH blog, X/Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, webpages, downloaded documents, and videos.
The NIOSH Science Blog

In 2023, the NIOSH Science Blog was viewed over 801,000 times with 64 new blog posts. Our blog averages 68,000 views per month. There are some historical favorites that remain popular year after year such as posts on night shift work and cancer; the physiological burden of prolonged PPE use on healthcare workers during long shifts; and bathtub refinishing. Of the new blogs we posted in 2023, the most-viewed included:
- National Safety Month 2023
- The Effectiveness of DIY Air Filtration Units
- Critical Steps Your Workplace Can Take Today to Prevent Suicide
- Modern Coal Miners Have Higher Death Rates From Lung Diseases Than Their Predecessors
- Psychosocial Hazards Often Overlooked in Construction Industry
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NIOSH uses X/Twitter to share updates, links, news, and tips about occupational safety and health. In addition to our main @NIOSH account, we have specialized accounts that focus on topics like noise (@NIOSHNoise) and Total Worker Health (@NIOSH_TWH). These accounts have a combined 292,000 followers and 600 published posts in 2023. Our posts had 831,707 impressions, and 17,805 engagements (number of times someone interacts with the post). A metric often used is engagement rate which is a measure of how much your audience interacts with a tweet. The industry median engagement rate is about 1%. The NIOSH average engagement rate was 2% in 2023. Our posts with the highest engagement rate include:
Trabajadores de la construcción: sigan estos 7 pasos para garantizar que estén usando la escalera de forma segura. See English version here
- Firefighters are exposed to chemicals that could increase their cancer risk. The more firefighters who sign up for the #NationalFirefighterRegistry for Cancer (NFR), the more we can understand the link between firefighting and cancer. Learn more:
- Hearing loss is the 3rd most common chronic physical health condition in the U.S. among adults. Many people think of hearing loss as being caused by loud noise, but did you know chemicals can also cause hearing loss? Learn more about ototoxic chemicals:
NIOSH promotes worker safety and health on Facebook, noting observances such as Workers Memorial Day and National Safety Month, sharing facts, and providing recommendations. In 2023, NIOSH Facebook had 201,541 Followers. The 573 published posts resulted in 7,084,014 impressions and 237,252 engagements with a 3% engagement rate. Here are the top three most engaging Facebook posts for 2023.
- Have you completed your fall protection and rescue plan?
Fall prevention starts with comprehensive planning. There’s still time to do it this week during the National Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction. We have a template and additional resources.
- Construction workers: Follow these 7 steps to ensure you are using your ladder safely.
- It’s Ladder Safety Month! When working on your construction site, follow these steps to keep yourself safe and prevent ladder injuries.
In mid-2022, NIOSH started a LinkedIn page. The page has grown to 2,827 followers. In 2023, the 360 published posts resulted in 112,446 impressions and 5,792 engagements—with a 5% engagement rate. Our page focuses on sharing new research, webinars, and job openings at NIOSH. Three of our top five posts (by engagement) focus on cancer among firefighters including the launch of the National Firefighter Registry for Cancer; Firefighter Cancer Awareness Month; and no comprehensive data sources for studying the relationship between firefighting and cancer. Ergonomic tips to keep Santa and the elves safe and Safe and Sound Week/well-being round out the top five.
Our Instagram channel is still a popular place to share infographics and images. In 2023 we had 46,953 followers. Our 418 published posts resulted in 579,207 impressions, 17,149 engagements with a 3% engagement rate.
- This holiday season we are checking in at the North Pole with workplace safety and health advice for Santa and the elves. In preparation for the big day, we are providing some ergonomic tips to keep Santa and the elves safe while making, lifting, loading, and delivering all those presents! Tap the link in our bio to learn more.
- October is National Ergonomics Month. NIOSH has been at the forefront of efforts to protect workers from musculoskeletal disorders for over 50 years. Learn more about our MSD research and how to prevent them in your workplace by visiting the link in our bio.
- Construction workers rely on various types of PPE including fall harnesses, safety shoes, safety glasses, hardhats or helmets, ear plugs or muffs, and respirators. Their PPE must fit properly to provide the expected level of protection and allow them to safely perform their jobs. Visit the link in our bio to learn more about NIOSH efforts to improve PPE fit for all workers, including construction workers.
The NIOSH webpages were viewed over 25,313,000 times in 2023. In addition to our homepage, the most viewed NIOSH webpages in 2023 include:
- Heat Stress – Heat Related Illness Hierarchy of Controls
- Hierarchy of Controls
- Rhabdomyolysis
- Venomous Snakes – Symptoms & First Aid
- Training: Workplace Violence in Health Care
NIOSH publications can be downloaded from our website. The following documents were the most downloaded in 2023.
- NIOSH List of Antineoplastic and Other Hazardous Drugs in Healthcare Settings
- Criteria for a Recommended Standard: Occupational Exposure to Heat and Hot Environments
- NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards
- Managing Hazardous Drug Exposures: Information for Healthcare Settings
- Applications Manual for the Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation
In 2023, NIOSH videos received 350,000 views. We added 65 videos to YouTube in 2023 bringing our total to 325 videos. The most-viewed videos in 2023 were:
- How Poison Ivy Works
- 2 videos from the National Firefighter Registry: Billy Goldfeder and Rick Swan
- 2 videos on reducing silica exposure when removing mortar: with a Chisel and Rotary Hammer and with a Brick and Mortar Saw
- Faces of Black Lung II
- Teaching Talking Safety: Lesson 1—Young Worker Injuries
If you missed any of this material over the course of the year, now is a great time to catch up. Thank you for supporting NIOSH and as always, let us know in the comment section below if you have suggestions for upcoming products.
Garrett Burnett, MS, MBA, is a technology transfer specialist in the NIOSH Communication and Research to Practice Office and an assistant coordinator for NIOSH’s Small Business Assistance Program.
Katie Shahan, JD, is the NIOSH Social Media Manager and a Health Communication Specialist in the NIOSH Communication and Research to Practice Office.
Burt Tienken is the NIOSH Web Metrics Analyst.
Julie Tisdale-Pardi, MA, is the NIOSH Science Blog Coordinator and a Health Communication Specialist in the NIOSH Communication and Research to Practice Office.
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