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10 results for population screening
Get up to Speed on the Latest Developments in the Field! Register for the ORISE Current Issues in Genomics and Precision Public Health Online Training Event, September 7–8, 2023.

Advances in genomics, data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence are transforming practice. Next generation public health and medical workforces need to understand these developments and how they can be used to benefit population health. Recognizing this challenge, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) is partnering with the Office of Genomics and Precision
Posted on byPreventing Disease and Protecting Health Among Individuals at Increased Genetic Risk: A Lifespan Perspective and an Emerging Public Health Challenge

Since the completion of the Human Genome Project, major advances have occurred in the translation of human genome discoveries into clinical practice and disease prevention. As almost all human diseases are due to complex gene-environment interactions, the applications of human genomics should be pertinent to the prevention and control of many diseases, including rare and
Posted on byPublic Health Genomics at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Happy 25th Anniversary!

In 1997, in response to the Human Genome Project, the CDC formed the Office of Genetics and Disease Prevention, now called the Office of Genomics and Precision Public Health (OGPPH). This was the beginning of the public health genomics movement in the United States and around the world. Our office continues to serve CDC programs,
Posted on by 1 CommentThe Current Landscape of CDC Publications in Human Genomics and Public Health

In October 2021, the CDC Office of Genomics and Precision Public Health (OGPPH) launched a new, five-year initiative to strengthen public health capacity in genomics and precision medicine. The emergence of evidence-based genomic applications and lack of equity in their implementation in clinical and public health practice provided an important impetus for this initiative. To
Posted on byGenomics and Precision Medicine 2021: Progress in Implementation, A Focus on Health Equity, and a New Public Health Initiative

In this post, we reflect on another eventful year in genomics and precision medicine and review the emerging opportunities for the field to make an impact on population health. We use the annual review published by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) along with our own website updates, and blogs as a springboard for
Posted on byPublic Health Genomics Priorities Through a Health Equity Lens

Achieving Health Equity in Genomics and Precision Medicine is More Important than Ever The CDC Office of Genomics and Precision Public Health is undergoing strategic planning to identify priorities and actions for genomics and precision medicine. As we embark on this work, we are focusing on health equity. The potential for genomics and precision medicine
Posted on byA New Vision for Using Genomics to Improve Health: An Expanded Role for Public Health

The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) recently published a new strategic vision 2020 to identify research priorities and opportunities in human genomics for improving health. The framework includes four main areas: guiding principles and values, a robust foundation for genomics, breaking down barriers that impede progress, and compelling research projects. Since the completion of
Posted on by 1 CommentFamilial Hypercholesterolemia as a Prototype for Precision Public Health

In October 2019, the 7th annual FH Foundation global summit on familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) took place in Atlanta, Georgia. The theme of the conference was, “Familial Hypercholesterolemia as a Prototype for Precision Public Health.” The meeting brought more than 300 participants from multiple countries to discuss the latest advances in the diagnosis, screening, treatment and
Posted on byIs it Time to Integrate Polygenic Risk Scores into Clinical Practice? Let’s Do the Science First and Follow the Evidence Wherever it Takes Us!

In case you have not been paying much attention to genomic medicine research or social media coverage, you might have missed a clear uptick in the past couple of years on the value of polygenic risk scores in clinical practice and population screening. (see examples here, here, here, and here) Polygenic risk scores (PRS) summarize
Posted on by 1 CommentLack of Knowledge of Natural History of New Biomarkers: The Achilles’ Heel of Precision Health!

In Greek mythology, when Achilles was a baby, it was foretold that he would die young. To prevent his death, his mother dipped his body in the River Styx, which was supposed to offer powers of invulnerability. However, as she held the baby by the heel, the heel did not come into contact with the
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