Category: Holiday Themes
Holiday Gifts from NIOSH
If you are lucky enough to get some time off over the holidays, you may find yourself looking for something to listen to, watch, or read. Our gift to you this holiday season is a compilation of the songs, movies and books with workplace safety and health themes that we have collected through the NIOSH Science Read More >
Posted on by 9 CommentsThanksgiving Ergonomics: Reducing material handling injuries with engineering controls

If you haven’t purchased your 20 pound Thanksgiving turkey or your 10 pound bag of potatoes rest assured employees at your local grocery stores are busy restocking the shelves each day with your favorite Thanksgiving foods. It‘s hard enough lifting those items into your cart but what about the workers who haul those tons Read More >
Posted on by 23 CommentsCategories Engineering Control, Ergonomics, Holiday Themes, Musculoskeletal Disorders, Wholesale and Retail Trade