Category: Education and Research Centers

Reflecting on the NIOSH Education and Research Centers’ Continuing Education and Outreach

In recognition of the 45th anniversary of the Education and Research Centers (ERCs), we reflect on the Centers’ four decades as a NIOSH-funded grantee. This blog focuses on the Centers’ effectiveness in serving as a resource to our nation’s workforce through continuing education and outreach.  Background Continuing education and outreach are a core part of Read More >

Posted on by Donjanea F. Williams, EdD; Julie Tisdale-Pardi, MA; Elizabeth H. Maples, PhD, CIH; and John Staley, PhD.

NIOSH Education and Research Centers: Research

There are 18 NIOSH-funded Education and Research Centers (ERCs) that engage in meaningful research, training, and outreach activities across 17 states. In honor of the 45th anniversary of the ERCs, this blog will highlight research activities conducted by the ERCs. The interdisciplinary nature of the centers gives rise to a broad spectrum of research priorities Read More >

Posted on by Negar Omid, PhD and Michelle McDaniel, BS, CHES

ERCs Partner to Offer Webinar Series on Human Factors and Ergonomics and Industrial Hygiene

This year marks the 45th anniversary of the NIOSH Education and Research Centers (ERC) which are extramurally funded university-based centers that carry out multidisciplinary education and research training activities and offer graduate and postgraduate training in the core and allied fields of occupational safety and health. The ERCs serve as a resource for our nation’s Read More >

Posted on by Mitchel Rosen and Michelle Meyer1 Comment