Exploring Approaches to Keep an AI-Enabled Workplace Safe for Workers

Posted on by John Howard, MD, and Paul A. Schulte, PhD


Artificial intelligence (AI)—the field of computer science that designs machines to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence—has seen rapid advances leading to cutting‐edge innovations in language, vision, reasoning, and human‐machine collaboration across industries, economies, and labor markets.[1] [2]

In the workplace, the adoption of AI technologies can result in a broad range of hazards and risks to workers, as illustrated by the recent growth in industrial robotics and algorithmic management. [3- 8] Sources of risk from deployment of AI technologies across society and in the workplace have led to numerous government and private sector guidelines that propose principles governing the design and use of trustworthy and ethical AI. As AI capabilities become integrated in devices, machines, and systems across industry sectors, employers, workers, and occupational safety and health practitioners will be challenged to manage AI risks to worker health, safety, and wellbeing.

A new commentary in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Managing workplace AI risks and the future of work, discusses these challenges and presents five risk management options to promote the use of trustworthy and ethical AI in workplace devices, machinery, and processes. Excerpts and synopses from the commentary are presented here.

Trustworthy and Ethical AI

The “black‐box” nature of AI systems poses challenges to users in understanding their underlying decision‐making process. This degrades trust in AI’s operations and outcomes, resulting in users being wary about trusting AI. [9] Developing and deploying AI that is “trustworthy” has become the conceptual basis of nearly all approaches that are aimed at promoting the benefits of AI to society while managing its hazards and risks. [10] [11] In its AI Risk Management Framework, the National Institute for Standards and Technology lists seven key components of trustworthy AI. Conversely, the absence of these trustworthiness components can signal that an AI system may present hazards or risks that need to be managed.

Ethical AI guidelines are aimed at ensuring AI systems respect autonomy, safeguard fairness in AI systems operations, promote the benefits of AI and prevent harm. [12] [13]  As with trustworthy AI, multiple ethical AI guidelines have been released. [14] These ethical guidelines emphasize a similar set of principles that mirror those of trustworthy AI, and several have addressed ethical AI systems for the workplace. [15-20] Ethical approaches are centered on the operation of AI systems in general. In the workplace, ethical AI systems could reflect the following ethical principles:

(1) Autonomy by promoting respect for a worker’s right to make their own decisions and not be controlled by an AI system [21] [15]

(2) Privacy by ensuring a worker’s right to control their own data and a right to be informed about how their personal data is being used by their employer [21];

(3) Data bias‐free by preventing discriminatory AI system outcomes that can result in direct or indirect harm to the worker [13]; and

(4) Transparency and accountability by supporting a worker’s ability to make sense of how the AI system operates and the meaning of its actions [15] [13]; and by ensuring that there are clear lines of responsibility for undesirable consequences even when the AI system’s mathematically complex decision‐making process may not be easily interpretable. [22]

AI Risk Management

Many of the existing AI risk reduction guidelines are general in nature and lack detailed methods that can lead to actionable risk management practices that are tailored to specific industry use cases and worker protection. [23] Deepening the current high‐level guidelines to align better with industry sectors would help assure the safety of AI systems in work settings. [24] [25]

Who should assure that AI systems are safe for use in a workplace? How can a safety and health practitioner develop a risk‐centered evidence base to justify that deployment of a workplace AI‐enabled system does not present risks to worker safety, health, and wellbeing? The following five options are presented in the article as suggested ways to prioritize the use of trustworthy AI or ethical AI to enable workplace devices, machinery, or processes. [26]

First, while eliminating risks of an AI‐enabled device or system in a workplace before its deployment is consistent with prevention-through‐design principles,[27 – 29] it would be technically burdensome for employers, workers, and safety and health practitioners to acquire the technical skill set needed to independently verify that AI system deployment will be safe. Effective AI risk management may require reskilling or upskilling to acquire a set of computer science competencies that would be challenging for employers, workers, and safety and health practitioners. These new skills would give safety and health practitioners greater ability to manage AI systems. If current efforts toward providing only explainable AI (XAI) to users by developers are successful, safety and health practitioners would be better able to interpret, trust, and more effectively manage AI systems in the workplace.[30] While AI‐related technical proficiencies are important, it is also important to augment skills to ensure that worker interaction with an AI system reflects human‐centered values.[31]

Second, AI developers and safety and health practitioners could conduct collaborative AI system evaluations assessing the safety, capabilities, and alignment of AI systems. An alignment evaluation is focused on ensuring that the operational outcomes of an AI system match those intended by a developer’s design parameters.[32] Examples of evaluation methods have been recommended as concrete action items for each trustworthy AI principle. [33]

Collaborative AI system evaluations between developers and deployers are important for both operational alignment and for AI safety. Being able to understand the inner workings of a neural network in an AI model would provide deployers with “mechanistic interpretability,” a highly sought‐after goal for society and workplace. [34] For example, research efforts for extracting interpretable features from a LLM language model might lead in the future to converting an AI system from an incomprehensible “black box” into a machine with an understandable safety profile. [35] [36]

Responsible deployment is best served not just by technical alignment alone but by emphasis consistent with the sociotechnical systems principle of joint optimization. [37] In addition to a focus on the technology, a similar focus needs to be on the workers who are interacting with AI systems. [38] [39] A sociotechnical approach ensures that technical operations are ethically aligned to the human‐centered values of worker safety, health, and well‐being. [38]]

Third, an independent audit could be used to assess the risks of AI system capabilities through tools like algorithmic transparency.[40] Until AI auditing methods and standards responsive to the rapidly evolving nature of AI technologies are developed,[41] AI auditing against established consensus risk assessment and management standards could be conducted.[42] Prospective risk assessments and audit results can then be used to (1) determine if system components permit transparent auditing or are proprietary and protected as a trade secret; (2) review any risks discovered in the audit trail; and (3) develop risk mitigation measures before deployment.[43]

Fourth, AI system certification is a way to incentivize AI developers to adopt trustworthy AI principles in the design and development phase and to enable downstream users to validate the inclusion of trustworthy AI in a deployed system.[44] While private sector organizations are beginning to offer AI system certification, the ultimate success of system certification depends on strength of customer demand or a government mandate. [44]  Furthermore, auditing and certification as a way to develop the evidence base to justify safe workplace AI options have their limitations. Design risks may remain dormant in an AI system until deployment, and even then, an emergent or unexpected issue may be difficult to trace back to its algorithmic source.[45]

Fifth, how does a safety practitioner develop the detailed evidence that a workplace system is indeed safe to operate and what does that evidence base look like? Very little detailed guidance is available related to the “how” of workplace risk evaluation of AI systems. Two approaches, the “safety system approach” and the “safety case approach” (explained in the article) bear consideration as methodologies for the identification, analysis, and evaluation of high‐risk AI system risks.

AI technologies will play a big role in the future of work. The occupational safety and health practice and research communities need to ensure that the promise of these new AI technologies result in benefit, not harm, to worker safety, health, and well‐being.


John Howard, MD, is the Director of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

Paul A. Schulte, PhD, is a NIOSH contractor with Advanced Technologies and Laboratories International, Inc.




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Posted on by John Howard, MD, and Paul A. Schulte, PhD
Page last reviewed: November 26, 2024
Page last updated: November 26, 2024