World Cancer Day Blog References
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Particulates (including diesel) and fibers
Attfield MD, Schleiff PL, Lubin JH, Blair A, Stewart PA, Vermeulen R, Coble JB, Silverman DT. 2012. The Diesel Exhaust in Miners Study: A cohort mortality study with emphasis on lung cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst 104(11):869-883.
Silverman DT, Samanic CM, Lubin JH, Blair A, Stewart PA, Vermeulen R, Coble JB, Rothman N, Schleiff PL, Travis WD and others. 2012. The Diesel Exhaust in Miners Study: A nested case–control study of lung cancer and diesel exhaust. J Natl Cancer Inst 104(11):855-868
Elliott L, Loomis D, Dement J, Hein MJ, Richardson D, Stayner L. 2012. Lung cancer mortality in North Carolina and South Carolina chrysotile asbestos textile workers. Occup Environ Med 69(6):385-390.
Loomis D, Dement JM, Elliott L, Richardson D, Kuempel ED, Stayner L. 2012. Increased lung cancer mortality among chrysotile asbestos textile workers is more strongly associated with exposure to long thin fibres. Occup Environ Med 69(8):564-8.
Bang KM, Mazurek JM, Wood JM, Hendricks SA. 2013. Diseases attributable to asbestos exposure: Years of potential life lost, United States, 1999-2010. Am J Ind Med. 2014 57(1):38-48.
Park RM, Stayner LT, Petersen MR, Finley-Couch M, Hornung R, Rice C. 2012. Cadmium and lung cancer mortality accounting for simultaneous arsenic exposure. Occup Environ Med 69(5):303-9.
Chlorinated and other organic solvents
Neta G, Stewart PA, Rajaraman P, Hein MJ, Waters MA, Purdue MP, Samanic C, Coble JB, Linet MS, Inskip PD. 2012. Occupational exposure to chlorinated solvents and risks of glioma and meningioma in adults. Occup Environ Med 69(11):793-801.
Ruder AM, Yiin JH, Waters MA, Carreon T, Hein MJ, Butler MA, Calvert GM, Davis-King KE, Schulte PA, Mandel JS and others. 2013. The Upper Midwest Health Study: gliomas and occupational exposure to chlorinated solvents. Occup Environ Med 70(2):73-80.
Meyers AR, Pinkerton LE, Hein MJ. 2013. Cohort mortality study of garment industry workers exposed to formaldehyde: Update and internal comparisons. Am J Ind Med 59(9):1027-39.
Lauby-Secretan B, Loomis D, Grosse Y, El Ghissassi F, Bouvard V, Benbrahim-Tallaa L, Guha N, Baan R, Mattock H, Straif K and others. 2013. Carcinogenicity of polychlorinated biphenyls and polybrominated biphenyls. Lancet Oncol 14(4):287-8.
Ruder AM, Hein MJ, Hopf NB, Waters MA. 2013. Mortality among 24,865 workers exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in three electrical capacitor manufacturing plants: A ten-year update. Int J Hyg Environ Health 2014 217(2-3):176-187.
Yiin JH, Ruder AM, Stewart PA, Waters MA, Carreon T, Butler MA, Calvert GM, Davis-King KE, Schulte PA, Mandel JS and others. 2012. The Upper Midwest Health Study: a case-control study of pesticide applicators and risk of glioma. Environ Health 11(1):39.
Aromatic amines
Carreón T, Hein MJ, Hanley KW, Viet SM, Ruder AM. 2013. Bladder cancer incidence among workers exposed to o-toluidine, aniline and nitrobenzene at a rubber chemical manufacturing plant. Occup Environ Med. 2013 doi:10.1136/oemed-2013-101873.
Carreón T, Hein MJ, Hanley KW, Viet SM, Ruder AM. 2014. Coronary artery disease and cancer mortality in a cohort of workers exposed to vinyl chloride, carbon disulfide, rotating shift work, and o-toluidine at a chemical manufacturing plant Am J Ind Med.2014 doi: 10.1002/ajim.22299.
Ionizing radiation
Daniels RD, Bertke S, Waters KM, Schubauer-Berigan MK. Risk of leukaemia mortality from exposure to ionising radiation in US nuclear workers: a pooled case-control study. Occup Environ Med 70:41-48, 2013.
Silver SR, Bertke SJ, Hein MJ, Daniels RD, Fleming DA, Anderson JL, Pinney SM, Hornung RW, Tseng CY. 2013. Mortality and ionising radiation exposures among workers employed at the Fernald Feed Materials Production Center (1951-1985). Occup Environ Med 70(7):453-63.
Calvert GM, Luckhaupt S, Lee SJ, Cress R, Schumacher P, Shen R, Tak S, Deapen D. 2012. Lung cancer risk among construction workers in California, 1988-2007. Am J Ind Med 55(5):412-22.
Luckhaupt SE, Deapen D, Cress R, Schumacher P, Shen R, Calvert GM. 2012. Leukemia among male construction workers in California, 1988-2007. Leuk Lymphoma 53(11):2228-36.
Graber JM, Stayner LT, Cohen RA, Conroy LM, Attfield MD. 2014. Respiratory disease mortality among US coal miners; results after 37 years of follow-up. Occup Environ Med 71(1):30-9.
Hammer GP, Auvinen A, De Stavola BL, Grajewski B, Gundestrup M, Haldorsen T, Hammar N, Lagorio S, Linnersjo A, Pinkerton L and others. 2014. Mortality from cancer and other causes in commercial airline crews: a joint analysis of cohorts from 10 countries. Occup Environ Med. Online first.
Pinkerton LE, Waters MA, Hein MJ, Zivkovich Z, Schubauer-Berigan MK, Grajewski B. 2012. Cause-specific mortality among a cohort of U.S. flight attendants. Am J Ind Med 55(1):25-36.
Daniels RD, Kubale TL, Yiin JH, Dahm MM, Hales TR, Baris D, Zahm SH, Beaumont JJ, Waters KM, Pinkerton LE. 2013. Mortality and cancer incidence in a pooled cohort of US firefighters from San Francisco, Chicago and Philadelphia (1950-2009). Occup Environ Med. doi:10.1136/oemed-2013-101662
Silver SR, Pinkerton LE, Fleming DA, Jones JH, Allee S, Luo L, Bertke SJ. 2013. Retrospective cohort study of a microelectronics and business machine facility. Am J Ind Med. doi:10.1002/ajim.22288.
Ruder AM, Waters MA, Carreon T, Butler MA, Calvert GM, Davis-King KE, Waters KM, Schulte PA, Mandel JS, Morton RF and others. 2012. The Upper Midwest Health Study: industry and occupation of glioma cases and controls. Am J Ind Med 55(9):747-55.
Cited References
American Cancer Society (ACS). 2011. American Cancer Society. Global Cancer Facts & Figures 2nd Edition. Atlanta: American Cancer Society; 57 pp.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. U.S. Cancer Incidence Statistics: an Interactive Atlas. . Accessed January 27, 2014.
Driscoll T, Takala J, Steenland K, Corvalan C, Fingerhut M. 2005. Review of estimates of the global burden of injury and illness due to occupational exposures. Am J Ind Med 48:491-502.
IARC. 2009. Identification of research needs to resolve the carcinogenicity of high-priority IARC carcinogens: Views and expert opinions of an IARC/NORA expert group meeting. World Health Organization (WHO). Lyon, France. IARC Technical Publication No. 42; 239 pp.
IARC. 2012. IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Chemical Agents and Related Occupations. Vol. 100F. WHO, IARC, Lyon, France; 599 pp.
IARC. 2013. IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans: Diesel and gasoline engine exhausts and some nitroarenes. Vol. 105. WHO, IARC, Lyon, France; 703 pp
Rushton L, Hutchings SJ, Fortunato L, et al. 2012. Occupational cancer burden in Great Britain. Br J Cancer. 107(Suppl 1):S3-7.
Ward EM, Schulte PA, Straif K, et al. 2010. Research recommendations for selected IARC-classified agents. Environ Health Perspect 118:1355–1362.
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