Category: obesity

Genomics and Obesity: We Need Both Population and Individualized Approaches in the Prevention and Management of Obesity

a person standing on a scale and a crowd of people with DNA overlayed

Obesity is a serious, global public health problem that has increased markedly in the last few decades. As of 2016, 795 million people were estimated to have been affected. Obesity is associated with leading causes of death worldwide—such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer—making the search for effective weight management strategies a global priority. Obesity Read More >

Posted on by Muin J, Khoury, Office of Public Health Genomics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia2 CommentsTags ,

Sharing the Burden of Obesity

world globe balanced on top of a scale including a DNA strand as the equator

  On May 7-9, the CDC Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity, hosted a conference on Weight of the Nation™ in Washington, D.C.  The conference served to highlight progress in the prevention and control of obesity through policy and environmental strategies. The­ Weight of the Nation is also the title of an HBO Documentary Read More >

Posted on by Marta Gwinn, Consultant, McKing Consulting Corp, Office of Public Health Genomics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention1 CommentTags , , , ,