Happy Thanksgiving 2019: Collect and Share Your Family Health History: It Could Save Your Life!

Happy Thanksgiving Day! It is time for our yearly message on the importance of family health history to your own health. Year after year we promote the value on family health history around Thanksgiving day and all year round. By knowing and acting on your family history, you can reduce your disease risk and actually Read More >
Posted on byFamilial Hypercholesterolemia as a Prototype for Precision Public Health

In October 2019, the 7th annual FH Foundation global summit on familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) took place in Atlanta, Georgia. The theme of the conference was, “Familial Hypercholesterolemia as a Prototype for Precision Public Health.” The meeting brought more than 300 participants from multiple countries to discuss the latest advances in the diagnosis, screening, treatment and Read More >
Posted on byPublic Health Perspectives on Ensuring Life Long Benefits of Newborn Screening

This blog post is a summary of a Perspective recently published in Pediatrics that was authored by Alex Kemper of Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Jeffrey Brosco of the Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, and Coleen Boyle and Scott Grosse of CDC’s National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities. Newborn screening is a highly Read More >
Posted on byMany Adults with Familial Hypercholesterolemia Are Not Meeting Goal LDL-Cholesterol Level

People with the genetic disorder familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) have increased blood levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, which increases their risk for developing coronary artery disease or having a heart attack. A recent study using data from the FH Foundation’s CASCADE FH Registry suggests that many individuals with FH are not meeting blood LDL-cholesterol level Read More >
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