Category: pharmacist

Resolve to Be Ready, Part II

A calendar with the year 2023 circled in red marker.

January is the time many of us make resolutions for the new year. Sometimes resolutions feel too big and long drawn out. As a result, our motivation to see them through can peter out before the end of the year. Last year, we suggested 12 micro-resolutions to help you prepare your health for emergencies. Here Read More >

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In Case You Missed It: Favorite Blog Posts of 2022

Decorative image that says "2022"

Late December is a good time to reflect on the happenings of the past 12 months. The Center for Preparedness and Response (CPR) published 26 posts to the Public Health Matters blog in 2022. The posts explored various topics related to personal and public health preparedness. All were written with the intention of helping readers Read More >

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10 Questions to Ask Your Pharmacist

Female pharmacist helping a senior customer.

September 25 is World Pharmacists Day Pharmacists are a bridge between you and your doctor. Your pharmacist might also be the health professional you see and talk to most often about your health.(1) Pharmacists are trained to help you manage and improve your health every day. Your pharmacist—along with your doctor or nurse—can give you Read More >

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