Category: roadside emergency kit

#PrepYourHealth to Drive During Winter

A person holding up a flashlight. Their car is broken down on the side of a snowy road.

Winter is here, and it’s not alone. It comes bearing weather that can make it dangerous to travel. Driving in wintery conditions such as snow, freezing rain, and ice puts drivers at increased risk of car crashes.(1) About 21% (or 1,235,000) of the over 5,891,000 vehicle crashes each year are weather-related. Most weather-related crashes happen Read More >

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Resolve to Be Ready, Part II

A calendar with the year 2023 circled in red marker.

January is the time many of us make resolutions for the new year. Sometimes resolutions feel too big and long drawn out. As a result, our motivation to see them through can peter out before the end of the year. Last year, we suggested 12 micro-resolutions to help you prepare your health for emergencies. Here Read More >

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