Category: eradication
What is a “rare disease”? Polio eradication and primary immunodeficiency

During the last two decades, surveillance and strategic vaccination campaigns deployed by the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) have reduced polio incidence worldwide by more than 99 percent. Wild poliovirus (WPV) cases are now uncommon, with only 222 new cases reported worldwide so far in 2014.* Endemic transmission is now limited to areas of just Read More >
Posted on byWhat’s the Connection Between Polio Eradication and Primary Immunodeficiency?

A Public Health Role for Human Genetics Two non-profit foundations with distinct missions recently announced that they are joining forces to support polio eradication. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) supports global health programs; the Jeffrey Modell Foundation (JMF) advocates for early diagnosis and treatment of genetic immunodeficiency disorders. How did these organizations find common Read More >
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