We Asked…You Answered…Thank You!

Posted on by Muin J Khoury, Director, Office of Public Health Genomics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Thank you

What are the key priorities for the field of public health genomics for the next five years?  What can stakeholders accomplish together to achieve measurable health impact by applying genomics to significant public health issues?

On June 30, 2011 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a Request for Information (RFI) for comments, data, and other information helpful to assess the most important steps in research, policy, and practice for the field of public health genomics in the next five years. 

Specifically, we requested public input to the following questions on public health genomics:

What are the most important activities that should be carried out by the public health system in 2012–2017 to apply genomic knowledge to public health goals?

    1. What are the most important activities that should be carried out by the public health system in 2012–2017 to apply genomic knowledge to public health goals?


    1. What outcomes specific to public health might be achieved as the result of carrying out these activities?


    1. What policies are needed in order to achieve these outcomes?


    1.  What institutions, organizations and agencies need to participate in achieving these outcomes and what roles should they play?


    1. What barriers are anticipated in achieving these outcomes and how might they best be overcome?


We are sincerely grateful to the 58 individuals, groups and organizations representing a diverse group of stakeholders who made responding to this RFI a priority, as well as the input received from our federal partners.  Public comments to the RFI are available for viewing by clicking here: http://www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;dct=FR+PR+N+O+SR+PS;rpp=10;po=0;D=CDC-2011-0008.

The RFI is a part of a strategic planning effort for the field of public health genomics conducted by HHS/CDC with assistance from Genetic Alliance, the University of Michigan Center for Public Health and Community Genomics, and the Genomics Forum of the American Public Health Association.

The comments received will be analyzed and used to inform discussions among stakeholders of priorities for the field of public health genomics for the next five years.

You can keep the dialogue going by submitting your comments in response to this blog or to genetics@cdc.gov.  You can also join a conversation among APHA genomics forum members by participating in a Wiki on the Future of Public Health Genomics.  The Wiki is open to all forum members.

Stay tuned…there is a role for each of us in achieving public health impact through genomics.

Posted on by Muin J Khoury, Director, Office of Public Health Genomics, Centers for Disease Control and PreventionTags , ,
Page last reviewed: April 8, 2024
Page last updated: April 8, 2024