Artificial Intelligence, Public Trust, and Public Health

Posted on by Carlos Siordia PhD, Office of Science Fellow and Muin J. Khoury MD, PhD, Director, Office of Public Health Genomics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia

robotAs a data-driven agency, CDC has always had highly skilled statisticians and data scientists. As part of the Data Modernization Initiative, CDC is supporting strategic innovations in data science using artificial intelligence and machine learning (Ai/ML). Ai/ML is the practice of using mathematics with computers to learn from a wide range of data and make predictions about the health of populations. By using Ai/ML, CDC can maximize insights from data to improve disease detection, mitigation, and elimination. Ai/ML applications could support public health surveillance, research and, ultimately, decision making, ushering a new era of precision public health.

Here, we provide a quick overview of how CDC scientists are using Ai/ML in public health surveillance and research. We sought to answer three questions:

  • What topics have been covered by publications?
  • How frequently is open-source software used?
  • How often do authors make their algorithms public?

The presence of multiple topics would indicate wide use of Ai/ML across CDC. The use of open source software allows anyone to duplicate methods without having to pay fees for specialized software. By making algorithms publicly available, researchers avoid using what may be perceived by outsiders as a black box; this can be particularly powerful in improving transparency when combined with existing federal efforts to make data more readily available to the public.

First, we used 19 Ai/ML-related keyworks to cast a wide net in searching PubMed. Next, we reviewed abstracts to exclude publications that were not related to Ai/ML or did not have a CDC author. We also sent out request through multiple listservs requesting additional information from CDC researchers the use of Ai/ML. Finally, we reviewed about 200 publications. A total of 85 publications were selected for final inclusion. To be included, the publication had at least one CDC author and use/review Ai/ML. Results of our brief literature investigation are available below. Our review explored what type of Ai/ML was used (e.g., NLP, classification, computer vision), whether open source software was used (e.g., R, Python), types of models used (e.g., convolutional neural network, super learner, support vector machine), whether statistical algorithm used was made public (e.g., on GitHub), topic of research (e.g., Zika, obesity), and all the elements typically made available by PubMed (e.g., PMID, title, abstract).

The 85 CDC publications cover a vast array of topics, including: human genetics; autism; injury at work; cancer; diabetes; Hepatitis C; influenza; nanomaterials; obesity; opioids; electronic health records; streptococcus; vaccines; and many other topics. Although publications start in 2003, about half of publications were published between 2017 and 2020. Notably more than half of the publications make use of open-source software to implement Ai/ML in the analysis. However, only one-in-six (~16%) authors make their detailed Ai/ML algorithms publicly available. The use of open source software and making algorithms publicly available could help promote transparency.

There are two examples of clear standouts when it comes to using open source software and making algorithms publicly available. Publications that include Dr. Scott Lee (at the Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services) or Dr. Wei Yu (at the Office of Genomics and Precision Public Health) make a great effort to ensure readers understand how their analysis can be replicated using open source software and archived algorithms. By making detailed algorithms publicly available, authors advance transparency in research and ensure invested resources are maximized. For example, a recent CDC publication investigated how state-level forecasting of influenza could be improved by using Ai/ML. The authors archived their open source code here. In the GitHub depository, readers are given step-by-step instructions on how to apply the Ai/ML algorithm to replicate study findings.

This analysis shows CDC’s increasing commitment to using Ai/ML for a vast array of topics. Authors sometimes use open-source software, but less often make algorithms publicly available. Continued efforts are needed to promote data availability and transparency of methods. Advancing more precision in public health research, policy, and programs will increasingly require making use of emerging Ai/ML technologies in response to public health issues.

* CDC publications include those with one or more authors from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

PubMed ID Title Authors
14700412 Electronic interpretation of chest radiograph reports to detect central venous catheters William E Trick, Wendy W Chapman, Mary F Wisniewski, Brian J Peterson, Steven L Solomon, Robert A Weinstein
15217815 Standardization and denoising algorithms for mass spectra to classify whole-organism bacterial specimens Glen A Satten, Somnath Datta, Hercules Moura, Adrian R Woolfitt, Maria da G Carvalho, George M Carlone, Barun K De, Antonis Pavlopoulos, John R Barr
16606998 Predicting density of Ixodes pacificus nymphs in dense woodlands in Mendocino County, California, based on geographic information systems and remote sensing versus field-derived data Rebecca J Eisen, Lars Eisen, Robert S Lane
16610958 Allostatic load is associated with symptoms in chronic fatigue syndrome patients Benjamin N Goertzel, Cassio Pennachin, Lucio de Souza Coelho, Elizabeth M Maloney, James F Jones, Brian Gurbaxani
16899605 Predicting cancer drug response by proteomic profiling Yan Ma, Zhenyu Ding, Yong Qian, Xianglin Shi, Vince Castranova, E James Harner, Lan Guo
17109381 Discrimination of intact mycobacteria at the strain level: a combined MALDI-TOF MS and biostatistical analysis Justin M Hettick, Michael L Kashon, James E Slaven, Yan Ma, Janet P Simpson, Paul D Siegel, Gerald N Mazurek, David N Weissman
17238741 Concept negation in free text components of vaccine safety reports Herman Tolentino, Michael Matters, Wikke Walop, Barbara Law, Wesley Tong, Fang Liu, Paul Fontelo, Katrin Kohl, Daniel Payne
17295907 A UMLS-based spell checker for natural language processing in vaccine safety Herman D Tolentino, Michael D Matters, Wikke Walop, Barbara Law, Wesley Tong, Fang Liu, Paul Fontelo, Katrin Kohl, Daniel C Payne
17654333 A new descriptor selection scheme for SVM in unbalanced class problem: a case study using skin sensitisation dataset S Li, A Fedorowicz, M E Andrew
17996092 An open source infrastructure for managing knowledge and finding potential collaborators in a domain-specific subset of PubMed, with an example from human genome epidemiology Wei Yu, Ajay Yesupriya, Anja Wulf, Junfeng Qu, Muin J Khoury, Marta Gwinn
18430222 GAPscreener: an automatic tool for screening human genetic association literature in PubMed using the support vector machine technique Wei Yu, Melinda Clyne, Siobhan M Dolan, Ajay Yesupriya, Anja Wulf, Tiebin Liu, Muin J Khoury, Marta Gwinn
18537829 MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry as a tool for differentiation of invasive and noninvasive Streptococcus pyogenes isolates Hercules Moura, Adrian R Woolfitt, Maria G Carvalho, Antonis Pavlopoulos, Lucia M Teixeira, Glen A Satten, John R Barr
18628290 Artificial neural network for prediction of antigenic activity for a major conformational epitope in the hepatitis C virus NS3 protein James Lara, Robert M Wohlhueter, Zoya Dimitrova, Yury E Khudyakov
18708515 Differentiation of Streptococcus pneumoniae conjunctivitis outbreak isolates by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry Yulanda M Williamson, Hercules Moura, Adrian R Woolfitt, James L Pirkle, John R Barr, Maria Da Gloria Carvalho, Edwin P Ades, George M Carlone, Jacquelyn S Sampson
19390102 A rule-based approach for identifying obesity and its comorbidities in medical discharge summaries Ninad K Mishra, David M Cummo, James J Arnzen, Jason Bonander
19864262 A rule-based approach for identifying obesity and its comorbidities in medical discharge summaries Ninad K Mishra, David M Cummo, James J Arnzen, Jason Bonander
20307319 Application of support vector machine modeling for prediction of common diseases: the case of diabetes and pre-diabetes Wei Yu, Tiebin Liu, Rodolfo Valdez, Marta Gwinn, Muin J Khoury
20942945 Quadratic variance models for adaptively preprocessing SELDI-TOF mass spectrometry data Vincent A Emanuele 2nd, Brian M Gurbaxani
21772787 Emerging vaccine informatics Yongqun He, Rino Rappuoli, Anne S De Groot, Robert T Chen
22355779 Hepatitis C virus antigenic convergence David S Campo, Zoya Dimitrova, Jonny Yokosawa, Duc Hoang, Nestor O Perez, Sumathi Ramachandran, Yury Khudyakov
22421792 Modeling chemical interaction profiles: I. Spectral data-activity relationship and structure-activity relationship models for inhibitors and non-inhibitors of cytochrome P450 CYP3A4 and CYP2D6 isozymes Brooks McPhail, Yunfeng Tie, Huixiao Hong, Bruce A Pearce, Laura K Schnackenberg, Weigong Ge, Luis G Valerio, James C Fuscoe, Weida Tong, Dan A Buzatu, Jon G Wilkes, Bruce A Fowler, Eugene Demchuk, Richard D Beger
22634542 Towards automatic diabetes case detection and ABCS protocol compliance assessment Ninad K Mishra, Roderick Y Son, James J Arnzen
23152765 Sensitive and specific peak detection for SELDI-TOF mass spectrometry using a wavelet/neural-network based approach Vincent A Emanuele 2nd, Gitika Panicker, Brian M Gurbaxani, Jin-Mann S Lin, Elizabeth R Unger
23202418 Differences in variability of hypervariable region 1 of hepatitis C virus (HCV) between acute and chronic stages of HCV infection I V Astrakhantseva, D S Campo, A Araujo, C-G Teo, Y Khudyakov, S Kamili
23202423 Coordinated evolution among hepatitis C virus genomic sites is coupled to host factors and resistance to interferon James Lara, John E Tavis, Maureen J Donlin, William M Lee, He-Jun Yuan, Brian L Pearlman, Gilberto Vaughan, Joseph C Forbi, Guo-Liang Xia, Yury E Khudyakov
23206504 Development and evaluation of a Naïve Bayesian model for coding causation of workers’ compensation claims S J Bertke, A R Meyers, S J Wurzelbacher, J Bell, M L Lampl, D Robins
24461165 Multivariate adaptive regression splines analysis to predict biomarkers of spontaneous preterm birth Ramkumar Menon, Geeta Bhat, George R Saade, Heidi Spratt
24466291 LABEL: fast and accurate lineage assignment with assessment of H5N1 and H9N2 influenza A hemagglutinins Samuel S Shepard, C Todd Davis 1 , Justin Bahl 2 , Pierre Rivailler 1 , Ian A York 1 , Ruben O Donis 1
25081062 Computational models of liver fibrosis progression for hepatitis C virus chronic infection James Lara, F López-Labrador, Fernando González-Candelas, Marina Berenguer, Yury E Khudyakov
25341363 Estimating contact rates at a mass gathering by using video analysis: a proof-of-concept project Jeanette J Rainey, Anil Cheriyadat, Richard J Radke, Julie Suzuki Crumly, Daniel B Koch
25558292 Individualized Survival and Treatment Response Predictions in Breast Cancer Patients: Involvements of Phospho-EGFR and Phospho-Her2/neu Proteins Lan Guo, Jame Abraham, Daniel C Flynn, Vincent Castranova, Xianglin Shi, Yong Qian
25666908 Using multiple sources of data for surveillance of postoperative venous thromboembolism among surgical patients treated in Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals, 2005-2010 Richard E Nelson, Scott D Grosse, Norman J Waitzman, Junji Lin, Scott L DuVall, Olga Patterson, James Tsai, Nimia Reyes
25672399 Use of random forest to estimate population attributable fractions from a case-control study of Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis infections W Gu, A R Vieira, R M Hoekstra, P M Griffin, D Cole
26216993 Novel serologic biomarkers provide accurate estimates of recent Plasmodium falciparum exposure for individuals and communities Danica A Helb, Kevin K A Tetteh, Philip L Felgner, Jeff Skinner, Alan Hubbard, Emmanuel Arinaitwe, Harriet Mayanja-Kizza, Isaac Ssewanyana, Moses R Kamya, James G Beeson, Jordan Tappero, David L Smith, Peter D Crompton, Philip J Rosenthal, Grant Dorsey, Christopher J Drakeley, Bryan Greenhouse
26610292 Presence of an epigenetic signature of prenatal cigarette smoke exposure in childhood Christine Ladd-Acosta, Chang Shu, Brian K Lee, Nicole Gidaya, Alison Singer, Laura A Schieve, Diana E Schendel, Nicole Jones, Julie L Daniels, Gayle C Windham, Craig J Newschaffer, Lisa A Croen, Andrew P Feinberg, M Daniele Fallin
26745274 Comparison of methods for auto-coding causation of injury narratives S J Bertke, A R Meyers, S J Wurzelbacher, A Measure, M P Lampl, D Robins
27280867 A knowledge base for tracking the impact of genomics on population health Wei Yu, Marta Gwinn, W David Dotson, Ridgely Fisk Green, Mindy Clyne, Anja Wulf, Scott Bowen, Katherine Kolor, Muin J Khoury
27412252 Dysbiosis, inflammation, and response to treatment: a longitudinal study of pediatric subjects with newly diagnosed inflammatory bowel disease Kelly A Shaw, Madeline Bertha, Tatyana Hofmekler, Pankaj Chopra, Tommi Vatanen, Abhiram Srivatsa, Jarod Prince, Archana Kumar, Cary Sauer, Michael E Zwick, Glen A Satten, Aleksandar D Kostic, Jennifer G Mulle, Ramnik J Xavier, Subra Kugathasan
27585810 Finishing monkeypox genomes from short reads: assembly analysis and a neural network method Kun Zhao, Robert M Wohlhueter, Yu Li
28002438 Development of a Machine Learning Algorithm for the Surveillance of Autism Spectrum Disorder Matthew J Maenner, Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp, Kim Van Naarden Braun, Deborah L Christensen, Laura A Schieve
28210420 Cross-Disciplinary Consultancy to Enhance Predictions of Asthma Exacerbation Risk in Boston Margaret Reid, Julia Gunn, Snehal Shah, Michael Donovan, Rosalind Eggo, Steven Babin, Ivanka Stajner, Eric Rogers, Katherine B Ensor, Loren Raun, Jonathan I Levy, Ian Painter, Wanda Phipatanakul, Fuyuen Yip, Anjali Nath, Laura C Streichert, Catherine Tong, Howard Burkom
28395357 Development of the SaFETy Score: A Clinical Screening Tool for Predicting Future Firearm Violence Risk Jason E Goldstick, Patrick M Carter, Maureen A Walton, Linda L Dahlberg, Steven A Sumner, Marc A Zimmerman, Rebecca M Cunningham
28542223 Measuring changes in transmission of neglected tropical diseases, malaria, and enteric pathogens from quantitative antibody levels Benjamin F Arnold, Mark J van der Laan, Alan E Hubbard, Cathy Steel, Joseph Kubofcik, Katy L Hamlin, Delynn M Moss, Thomas B Nutman, Jeffrey W Priest, Patrick J Lammie
28810827 Validation of β-lactam minimum inhibitory concentration predictions for pneumococcal isolates with newly encountered penicillin binding protein (PBP) sequences Yuan Li, Benjamin J Metcalf, Sopio Chochua, Zhongya Li, Robert E Gertz Jr, Hollis Walker, Paulina A Hawkins, Theresa Tran, Lesley McGee, Bernard W Beall, Active Bacterial Core surveillance team
28814545 Metabolic differentiation of early Lyme disease from southern tick-associated rash illness (STARI) Claudia R Molins, Laura V Ashton, Gary P Wormser, Barbara G Andre, Ann M Hess, Mark J Delorey, Mark A Pilgard, Barbara J Johnson, Kristofor Webb, M Nurul Islam, Adoracion Pegalajar-Jurado, Irida Molla, Mollie W Jewett, John T Belisle
28934917 Sparse Supervised Classification Methods Predict and Characterize Nanomaterial Exposures: Independent Markers of MWCNT Exposures Naveena Yanamala, Marlene S Orandle, Vamsi K Kodali, Lindsey Bishop, Patti C Zeidler-Erdely, Jenny R Roberts, Vincent Castranova, Aaron Erdely
28953071 Applying Machine Learning to Workers’ Compensation Data to Identify Industry-Specific Ergonomic and Safety Prevention Priorities: Ohio, 2001 to 2011 Alysha R Meyers, Ibraheem S Al-Tarawneh, Steven J Wurzelbacher, P Timothy Bushnell, Michael P Lampl, Jennifer L Bell, Stephen J Bertke, David C Robins, Chih-Yu Tseng, Chia Wei, Jill A Raudabaugh, Teresa M Schnorr
29028799 Modeling the environmental suitability of anthrax in Ghana and estimating populations at risk: Implications for vaccination and control Ian T Kracalik, Ernest Kenu, Evans Nsoh Ayamdooh, Emmanuel Allegye-Cudjoe, Paul Nokuma Polkuu, Joseph Asamoah Frimpong, Kofi Mensah Nyarko, William A Bower, Rita Traxler, Jason K Blackburn
29087984 Improved Identification of Venous Thromboembolism From Electronic Medical Records Using a Novel Information Extraction Software Platform Raymund B Dantes, Shuai Zheng, James J Lu, Michele G Beckman, Asha Krishnaswamy, Lisa C Richardson, Sheri Chernetsky-Tejedor, Fusheng Wang
29216422 Distinguishing Petroleum (Crude Oil and Fuel) From Smoke Exposure within Populations Based on the Relative Blood Levels of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylenes (BTEX), Styrene and 2,5-Dimethylfuran by Pattern Recognition Using Artificial Neural Networks D M Chambers, C M Reese, L G Thornburg, E Sanchez, J P Rafson, B C Blount, J R E Ruhl 3rd, V R De Jesús
29244000 Identification of recent cases of hepatitis C virus infection using physical-chemical properties of hypervariable region 1 and a radial basis function neural network classifier James Lara, Mahder Teka, Yury Khudyakov
29453090 Evaluating effects of prenatal exposure to phthalate mixtures on birth weight: A comparison of three statistical approaches Yu-Han Chiu, Andrea Bellavia, Tamarra James-Todd, Katharine F Correia, Linda Valeri, Carmen Messerlian, Jennifer B Ford, Lidia Mínguez-Alarcón, Antonia M Calafat, Russ Hauser, Paige L Williams, EARTH Study Team
29545462 Impact of Intensive Lifestyle Intervention on Disability-Free Life Expectancy: The Look AHEAD Study Edward W Gregg, Ji Lin, Barbara Bardenheier, Haiying Chen, W Jack Rejeski, Xiaohui Zhuo, Andrea L Hergenroeder, Stephen B Kritchevsky, Anne L Peters, Lynne E Wagenknecht, Edward H Ip, Mark A Espeland, Look AHEAD Study Group
29563765 Experimental study on foam coverage on simulated longwall roof W R Reed, Y Zheng, S Klima, M R Shahan, T W Beck
29613851 Solution to Detect, Classify, and Report Illicit Online Marketing and Sales of Controlled Substances via Twitter: Using Machine Learning and Web Forensics to Combat Digital Opioid Access Tim Mackey , Janani Kalyanam, Josh Klugman, Ella Kuzmenko, Rashmi Gupta
29792563 Ability of crime, demographic and business data to forecast areas of increased violence Daniel A Bowen, Laura M Mercer Kollar, Daniel T Wu, David A Fraser, Charles E Flood, Jasmine C Moore, Elizabeth W Mays, Steven A Sumner
29860098 Intelligent Network DisRuption Analysis (INDRA): A targeted strategy for efficient interruption of hepatitis C transmissions David S Campo, Yury Khudyakov
29950689 A taxonomic signature of obesity in a large study of American adults Brandilyn A Peters, Jean A Shapiro, Timothy R Church, George Miller, Chau Trinh-Shevrin, Elizabeth Yuen, Charles Friedlander, Richard B Hayes, Jiyoung Ahn
30197419 HLBS-PopOmics: an online knowledge base to accelerate dissemination and implementation of research advances in population genomics to reduce the burden of heart, lung, blood, and sleep disorders George A Mensah, Wei Yu, Whitney L Barfield, Mindy Clyne, Michael M Engelgau, Muin J Khoury
30309799 Effectiveness of strategies to improve health-care provider practices in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review Alexander K Rowe, Samantha Y Rowe, David H Peters, Kathleen A Holloway, John Chalker, Dennis Ross-Degnan
30343674 Automated quality control for a molecular surveillance system Seth Sims, Atkinson G Longmire, David S Campo, Sumathi Ramachandran, Magdalena Medrzycki, Lilia Ganova-Raeva, Yulin Lin, Amanda Sue, Hong Thai, Alexander Zelikovsky, Yury Khudyakov
30381005 Causal inference with multiple concurrent medications: A comparison of methods and an application in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis Arman Alam Siddique, Mireille E Schnitzer, Asma Bahamyirou, Guanbo Wang, Timothy H Holtz, Giovanni B Migliori, Giovanni Sotgiu, Neel R Gandhi, Mario H Vargas, Dick Menzies, Andrea Benedetti
30561314 Zoonotic Source Attribution of Salmonella enterica Serotype Typhimurium Using Genomic Surveillance Data, United States Shaokang Zhang, Shaoting Li, Weidong Gu, Henk den Bakker, Dave Boxrud, Angie Taylor, Chandler Roe, Elizabeth Driebe, David M Engelthaler, Marc Allard, Eric Brown, Patrick McDermott, Shaohua Zhao, Beau B Bruce, Eija Trees, Patricia I Fields, Xiangyu Deng
30586440 Genotypic differences between strains of the opportunistic pathogen Corynebacterium bovis isolated from humans, cows, and rodents Christopher Cheleuitte-Nieves, Christopher A Gulvik, John R McQuiston, Ben W Humrighouse, Melissa E Bell, Aaron Villarma, Vincent A Fischetti, Lars F Westblade, Neil S Lipman
30625130 Using machine learning and an ensemble of methods to predict kidney transplant survival Ethan Mark, David Goldsman, Brian Gurbaxani, Pinar Keskinocak, Joel Sokol
30635558 Improved state-level influenza nowcasting in the United States leveraging Internet-based data and network approaches Fred S Lu, Mohammad W Hattab, Cesar Leonardo Clemente, Matthew Biggerstaff, Mauricio Santillana
30687797 Natural language generation for electronic health records Scott H Lee
30753477 Using deep learning to identify translational research in genomic medicine beyond bench to bedside Yi-Yu Hsu, Mindy Clyne, Chih-Hsuan Wei, Muin J Khoury, Zhiyong Lu
30926471 Chief complaint classification with recurrent neural networks Scott H Lee, Drew Levin, Patrick D Finley, Charles M Heilig
31111463 Automated detection of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy risk factors in electronic medical records using natural language processing Kristen Barbour, Dale C Hesdorffer, Niu Tian, Elissa G Yozawitz, Patricia E McGoldrick, Steven Wolf, Tiffani L McDonough, Aaron Nelson, Tobias Loddenkemper, Natasha Basma, Stephen B Johnson, Zachary M Grinspan
31128829 The use of natural language processing to identify Tdap-related local reactions at five health care systems in the Vaccine Safety Datalink Chengyi Zheng, Wei Yu, Fagen Xie, Wansu Chen, Cheryl Mercado, Lina S Sy, Lei Qian, Sungching Glenn, Gina Lee, Hung Fu Tseng, Jonathan Duffy, Lisa A Jackson, Matthew F Daley, Brad Crane, Huong Q McLean, Steven J Jacobsen
31167647 Entropy of mitochondrial DNA circulating in blood is associated with hepatocellular carcinoma David S Campo, Vishal Nayak, Ganesh Srinivasamoorthy, Yury Khudyakov
31280638 Grouping of carbonaceous nanomaterials based on association of patterns of inflammatory markers in BAL fluid with adverse outcomes in lungs Naveena Yanamala, Ishika C Desai, William Miller, Vamsi K Kodali, Girija Syamlal, Jenny R Roberts, Aaron D Erdely
31314253 Improving Patient Cohort Identification Using Natural Language Processing Raymond Francis Sarmiento, Franck Dernoncourt
31553774 A comparison of machine learning algorithms for the surveillance of autism spectrum disorder Scott H Lee, Matthew J Maenner, Charles M Heilig
31608599 FluChip-8G Insight: HA and NA subtyping of potentially pandemic influenza A viruses in a single assay Evan Toth, Erica D Dawson, Amber W Taylor, Robert S Stoughton, Rebecca H Blair, James E Johnson Jr, Amelia Slinskey, Ryan Fessler, Catherine B Smith, Sarah Talbot, Kathy Rowlen
31797475 The use of natural language processing to identify vaccine-related anaphylaxis at five health care systems in the Vaccine Safety Datalink Wei Yu 1 , Chengyi Zheng 1 , Fagen Xie 1 , Wansu Chen 1 , Cheryl Mercado 1 , Lina S Sy 1 , Lei Qian 1 , Sungching Glenn, Hung F Tseng, Gina Lee, Jonathan Duffy, Michael M McNeil, Matthew F Daley, Brad Crane, Huong Q McLean, Lisa A Jackson, Steven J Jacobsen
31899451 The Detection of Opioid Misuse and Heroin Use From Paramedic Response Documentation: Machine Learning for Improved Surveillance José Tomás Prieto, Kenneth Scott, Dean McEwen, Laura J Podewils, Alia Al-Tayyib, James Robinson, David Edwards, Seth Foldy, Judith C Shlay, Arthur J Davidson
32015431 TREXMO plus: an advanced self-learning model for occupational exposure assessment Nenad Savic, Eun Gyung Lee, Bojan Gasic, David Vernez
32049631 Characterizing the weight-glycemia phenotypes of type 1 diabetes in youth and young adulthood Anna R Kahkoska, Crystal T Nguyen, Xiaotong Jiang, Linda A Adair, Shivani Agarwal, Allison E Aiello, Kyle S Burger, John B Buse, Dana Dabelea, Lawrence M Dolan, Giuseppina Imperatore, Jean Marie Lawrence, Santica Marcovina, Catherine Pihoker, Beth A Reboussin, Katherine A Sauder, Michael R Kosorok, Elizabeth J Mayer-Davis
32372243 Using Supervised Learning Methods to Develop a List of Prescription Medications of Greatest Concern during Pregnancy Elizabeth C Ailes, John Zimmerman, Jennifer N Lind, Fanghui Fan, Kun Shi, Jennita Reefhuis, Cheryl S Broussard, Meghan T Frey, Janet D Cragan, Emily E Petersen, Kara D Polen, Margaret A Honein, Suzanne M Gilboa
32387013 Intent to obtain pediatric influenza vaccine among mothers in four middle income countries Abram L Wagner, Aubree Gordon, Veronica L Tallo, Artan Simaku, Rachael M Porter, Laura J Edwards, Enkeleda Duka, Ilham Abu-Khader, Lionel Gresh, Cristina Sciuto, Eduardo Azziz-Baumgartner, Silvia Bino, Felix Sanchez, Guillermina Kuan, Joanne N de Jesus, Eric A F Simões, Danielle R Hunt, Ali K Arbaji, Mark G Thompson
32478331 Machine learning can accelerate discovery and application of cyber-molecular cancer diagnostics David S Campo, Yury Khudyakov
32810028 Can Machine Learning Help Identify Patients at Risk for Recurrent Sexually Transmitted Infections? Heather R Elder, Susan Gruber, Sarah J Willis, Noelle Cocoros, Myfanwy Callahan, Elaine W Flagg, Michael Klompas, Katherine K Hsu
32815300 Exploratory analysis of machine learning approaches for surveillance of Zika-associated birth defects Richard Lusk, John Zimmerman, Kelley VanMaldeghem, Suzanna Kim, Nicole M Roth, James Lavinder, Anna Fulton, Meghan Raycraft, Sascha R Ellington, Romeo R Galang

Posted on by Carlos Siordia PhD, Office of Science Fellow and Muin J. Khoury MD, PhD, Director, Office of Public Health Genomics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GeorgiaTags
Page last reviewed: April 9, 2024
Page last updated: April 9, 2024