The Topic Is Cancer Posts

Cancer Doesn’t Wait and Neither Should You

Photo or Dr. Lisa Richardson, Director, CDC Division of Cancer Prevention and Control

“It really felt like trying to battle two monsters at the same time, and I couldn’t choose to ignore one while I fought the other one. While COVID is deadlier for people with a lower immune system, so is cancer when left untreated.” Read More >

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A Bright STAR in the Fight Against Childhood Cancer

Scott Lenfestey

I may have finished treatment, but my job isn’t finished yet because we need more treatments for kids with cancer and a cure someday. Read More >

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Healthy Lungs to Speak Out about Radon

How did Jackie, who never smoked, develop lung cancer? Read More >

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Listening to Her Inner Voice and Body and Knowing Her Family History Saved Her Life

Posed family picture, 7 adults standing

“You and only you know your body,” Celeste urges. “Don’t just take what the doctors say if it doesn’t sit well in your spirit! Listen to your inner voice.” Read More >

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New Updates to the US Cancer Statistics Data Visualizations Tool

Man working on a desktop computer

The US Cancer Statistics Data Visualizations tool provides quick access to data for researchers, clinicians, policy makers, and public health professionals. New data have been added, and the tool’s layout has been redesigned to improve navigation, data-sharing options, and visual displays. Read More >

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