Category: Other

Preventing Liver Cancer Among People Who Inject Drugs

Person being vaccinated by a medical professional.

Liver cancer is often deadly and can be caused by long-term hepatitis B or hepatitis C virus infections. People who inject drugs are at particularly high risk of getting hepatitis B or hepatitis C. The good news is that vaccines for hepatitis B and testing and treatment for hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus infections have been proven to lower the risk of liver cancer. But even with these prevention tools available, rates of new liver cancer cases are rising.  Read More >

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New Resources Empower Patients and Health Care Professionals to Make Decisions Together

Dr. Lisa Richardson

“Empowerment” has become a buzzword, but what does it really mean? While many definitions exist, it basically means feeling confident to make decisions that are consistent with your values. This feeling is at the heart of the CDC Foundation’s Empowered Health program. The program was designed to provide a pathway to empowerment by helping patients and health care professionals strengthen their relationships, improve their conversations, and make informed medical decisions together based on what’s most important to the patient. Read More >

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Many Cancer Survivors Died Before Their Time During COVID-19 Pandemic

Jane Henley, DCPC Epidemiologist

A new CDC study found that many people with cancer died due to COVID-19 and other diseases during the pandemic. A higher number of deaths occurred during peaks in COVID-19 infections. We spoke to the author Jane Henley to find out more about the study and learn what cancer patients and survivors can do to protect their health. Read More >

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Helping Make Sure Families Won’t Have to Say Goodbye Because of Cancer

“I’ve had several family members affected by this disease, including my own daughter’s recent passing. My ultimate hope as I continue my work at CDC is that one day, families won’t have to say goodbye to each other because of cancer.” Read More >

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New Updates to the US Cancer Statistics Data Visualizations Tool

Man working on a desktop computer

The US Cancer Statistics Data Visualizations tool provides quick access to data for researchers, clinicians, policy makers, and public health professionals. New data have been added, and the tool’s layout has been redesigned to improve navigation, data-sharing options, and visual displays. Read More >

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