Category: Breast Cancer

When It Comes to Breast Cancer, Sometimes It’s All in the Family

Has anyone ever told you that you have your mother’s eyes? Or that you look just like your grandmother? We all get our looks and physical traits from our families, but we may not always think about risks we share for diseases like cancer, including breast cancer. The good news is that knowing your family cancer history can give you a head start toward preventing breast cancer. No matter your gender, it’s important to know your risk and learn how to protect yourself. Read More >

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Cancer Doesn’t Wait and Neither Should You

Photo or Dr. Lisa Richardson, Director, CDC Division of Cancer Prevention and Control

“It really felt like trying to battle two monsters at the same time, and I couldn’t choose to ignore one while I fought the other one. While COVID is deadlier for people with a lower immune system, so is cancer when left untreated.” Read More >

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Tackling Breast Cancer: The Right Treatment for the Right Woman at the Right Time

Photo of Dr. Jacqueline Miller

“As I talked to a patient of mine about how breast cancer took her sister’s life at the age of 42, I was reminded of how challenging it is to explain how breast cancer is a different disease in every woman. The key is getting the right treatment for the right woman at the right time.” Read More >

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