Category: personal needs

Prepare Your Health: Falling Into Asthma

Metered dose inhaler with a mask

Fall is a busy time. It marks peak hurricane season and the start of cold and flu season. Fall is also one of the busiest months for asthma attacks. Throughout autumn, our home is on high alert because of our children’s history of asthma, and the likelihood of them having an increased number of asthma Read More >

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The Right Stuff: Know Your Personal Needs Before an Emergency

Graphic of someone testing their blood using a blood glucose monitor

September is National Preparedness Month. Throughout the month, the Center for Preparedness and Response will publish posts that highlight the work of public health departments as it relates to personal health preparedness themes. This week’s theme is Personal Needs. Personal needs are the things—the stuff—you will need to protect you and your family’s health in Read More >

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Lost and Found: Reuniting with Loved Ones in an Emergency

Mother and daughter embracing sitting on couch

More than a collection of names, phone numbers, and street addresses, an Emergency Action Plan is an instruction manual for how to stay healthy, stay informed, and stay connected in an emergency. It’s important that everyone in your household know how to inform family, friends, and caregivers of their well-being and whereabouts when a disaster Read More >

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The Power of Preparedness: Prepare Your Health

Group of people kneeling around a CPR dummy.

The devastating hurricanes of 2017 reminded us how important it is to prepare for disasters. These potentially life-threatening situations have real impacts on personal and public health. During Hurricane Irma, existing medical conditions and power outages increased the likelihood of death. Being prepared with supplies and an Emergency Action Plan can help you protect the Read More >

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