Category: National Center for Environmental Health

Some of the Biggest Problems Sometimes Have the Simplest Solutions

Step It Up! Surgeon General's Call to Action to Promote Walking and Walkable Communities

Some of the Biggest Problems Sometimes Have the Simplest Solutions In environmental public health, we often get caught up in looking for complex answers to complex problems. Sometimes we get lucky, though, and a simple solution will serve. The U.S. Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Promote Walking and Walkable Communities proves this point. Read More >

Posted on by Chris S. Kochtitzky, MSP1 Comment

New CDC Document Offers Emergency Managers Guidance for Identifying and Engaging At-Risk Groups

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When preparing for an emergency, responders aim to be able to reach every person in a community. Emergency managers must be able to quickly get information to all community members- even the hardest to reach. Emergency managers need to know in advance which groups are at greatest risk of harm during an emergency, where the Read More >

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Tracking Developmental Disabilities and the Environment

Developmental Disabilities

On the first Monday in October, celebrate National Child Health Day – which the President of the United States has proclaimed every year since 1928. NCEH’s Environmental Health Tracking Branch provides valuable data on children’s health by tracking developmental disabilities and other children’s environmental health issues. Read More >

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All Scientists are Artists at Heart

Photo courtesy of Dr. Kuklenyik.

Meet Dr. Zsuzsanna (Susan) Kuklenyik, Senior Research Scientist and Analytical Chemist, Clinical Chemistry Branch, Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health, CDC. Read More >

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You’re as Young as You Feel


Do you remember your first black and white television? Did you ever wonder how crawling under your desk could protect you from an atomic bomb? Did you watch the Beatles when they made their first American appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show? If you can answer yes to these questions, you are very likely a Read More >

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Protect Your Groundwater Day

Vector schematic representation of the water cycle in nature

Protect Your Groundwater Day is an annual observance sponsored by the National Ground Water Association This day brings attention to the importance of protecting ground water as a valuable resource. The observance also stresses the need for simple ways everyone can act to protect groundwater, and why we all have a stake in maintaining its Read More >

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National Preparedness Month

Preparedness Month

Throughout the month of September, CDC and more than 3000 organizations—national, regional, and local governments, as well as private and public organizations—will support emergency preparedness efforts and encourage Americans to take action. For Preparedness Month 2015, the National Center for Environmental Health/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (NCEH/ATSDR) supports the Office of Public Health Read More >

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Meet the Scientist: Dr. Suzanne (Suzy) Kalb

Meet Research Chemist Dr. Suzanne (Suzy) Kalb, who works in CDC’s National Center for Environmental Health, Division of Laboratory Sciences, Clinical Chemistry Branch. The downside of organic chemistry for most students was the interesting upside for Dr. Kalb. Organic chemistry is a tough pre-requisite course for medical school. “It’s less memorization, and it’s more about Read More >

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Climate Change: Where do we go from here?

What are “Grand Rounds”? Grand Rounds are an important part of medical education that began as a way to teach medical residents new information and give them practice in clinical reasoning. Presenters focus on current or interesting cases or share new research. At CDC, the Public Health Grand Rounds are monthly presentations of major public Read More >

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Hurricane Readiness

You can’t stop a tropical storm or hurricane, but you can take steps now to protect yourself and your family. If you live in coastal areas at risk, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) encourages you to prepare for hurricane season. The Atlantic hurricane season is June 1 through November 30 each year. Read More >

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