Category: Infection Control and Prevention

Healthcare Worker Vaccination is Important for Respiratory Virus Season

Healthcare worker rolls up her sleeve to show off bandaid after getting vaccinations

Respiratory virus season is here. As a healthcare worker, you play a critical role in slowing and preventing the spread of viral respiratory infections, including flu and COVID-19. Like hand hygiene, personal protective equipment (PPE), and environmental cleaning and disinfection, vaccination is a critical tool in our infection control toolbox. Getting recommended vaccines in combination Read More >

Posted on by Janet Glowicz, PhD, RN, Infection Preventionist with Project Firstline in CDC’s Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion2 CommentsTags ,

I Want My Sepsis Experience to Help Save Lives

Katy Grainger, Sepsis Alliance Board of Directors

In 2018, I got a small infection on my thumb that looked unusual, so I visited an emergency room. All my vital signs were strong at the time, and there was no indication that the infection had progressed or that my body had developed sepsis. Over the next 36 hours, I developed several of the Read More >

Posted on by Katy Grainger, Sepsis Survivor, double amputee, patient advocate and member of Sepsis Alliance Board of Directors13 CommentsTags , , ,

Reminder: Infection Control Actions to Take During Respiratory Virus Season

Last year’s considerable respiratory virus season saw spread of COVID-19, flu, and RSV, which led to extra stress on an already overwhelmed healthcare system. When respiratory viruses are spreading in the community, the risk for spread in healthcare settings increases as well. Remember: Regardless of your healthcare setting or which respiratory viruses are spreading in Read More >

Posted on by Mike Bell, MD1 CommentTags ,

HICPAC invites your comments on revised isolation precautions guideline this fall

African American female healthcare worker dons a face mask as she approaches a healthcare facility

CDC’s evidence-based guidelines for health care are designed to protect healthcare workers and patients, encourage safe practices, improve health outcomes, and save lives. They are not regulations, but many regulatory bodies consider this advice when they create the rules that lead to penalties and payments for healthcare facilities. We have learned a lot about how Read More >

Posted on by Mike Bell, MD, and Alex Kallen, MD, MPH55 CommentsTags , ,

Multi-Dose Vial Safety Reminders for National Immunization Awareness Month

August is National Immunization Awareness Month, an observance to acknowledge the importance of routine vaccination for people of all ages. Project Firstline wants to ensure that all healthcare workers who give vaccines understand the importance of safe injection practices, and that they use multi-dose vaccine vials safely and correctly. A multi-dose vaccine vial is a Read More >

Posted on by Janet Glowicz with assistance from Mia Frederick and Brittney Foster9 CommentsTags