Category: Survivor Stories

A Tan Is Not a Sign of Health: Sharon McKenna, Melanoma Survivor, Shares Her Story

A photo of Sharon McKenna enjoying a sunny day

“Knowledge is power, and I want to equip children with tools to protect them against sun damage. I also want to help them form habits that will last a lifetime. Simply keep your skin the color it came in, and you, too, can make a world of difference.” Read More >

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Knowing BRCA Changed My Life

“Despite the perception that breast cancer is only something older women need to worry about, young women can and do get breast cancer. I myself was a young woman at high risk, but didn’t know it. Just months after a clean mammogram, in late 2007, I heard those terrible words, ‘You have breast cancer.’” Read More >

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Melanoma: A Surgeon and Survivor’s Perspective

Dr. Travis Kidner

“At the time I did not realize that the healthy glow I was so desperately seeking was actually caused by DNA damage from the UV radiation. Twenty years would pass before the damage eventually surfaced as a small pink dot in the middle of my back.” Read More >

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