Category: COVID-19

Grants in Action: Building Community between LGBTQ+ Youth during COVID-19

Illustration for All in my Head podcast displaying diverse group of individuals to depict inclusion.

As a 15 year-old in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the last things I expected to do was helping to run a $20,000 grant! As a member of Oregon’s Multnomah County Youth Action Council (YAC), I applied for the grant with our amazing YAC facilitator, Nicole Mayer. As YAC members, we decided Read More >

Posted on by Lane ShafferLeave a commentTags , , , , ,

National Minority Health Month: Understanding Culture, Community, and Connections to Advance Health Equity

April marks National Minority Health Month! This year’s theme (“Be the Source for Better Health”) focuses on improving health outcomes through our culture, community, and connections. These elements that make us each unique are also critical to reducing health disparities. Recognizing and honoring the strengths and traditions within diverse communities can help improve health outcomes Read More >

Posted on by Hope L. Dennis, MPH and Michele Bolduc, PhDLeave a commentTags , , , ,

Partnership for Health and Vaccine Equity: Protecting Diverse Communities from COVID-19, RSV, and Flu

Group of people working together on a puzzle.

On October 30th, the Office of Health Equity (OHE) and the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) held a partner call to discuss the 2023–2024 respiratory virus season. A total of 783 unique participants joined the call to learn about current guidance to protect Read More >

Posted on by Hope L. Dennis, MPHLeave a commentTags , , ,

Community Health Workers: Advancing Equity in Diabetes Care

Illustration depicting inclusion among a group of people.

From standing shoulder-to-shoulder in poorly ventilated spaces to performing back-breaking labor, working at a poultry farm during the COVID-19 pandemic was a physically and emotionally taxing job. Often these difficult jobs are done by people who struggle to find employment, such as those with undocumented status or who live in communities with limited resources. In Read More >

Posted on by Betsy Rodriguez, BSN, MSN, CDCES, FADCES2 CommentsTags , , , ,

How the Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) Provides Insights into Vaccination Coverage Inequities

Vaccines are one of the greatest advancements in public health in the United States, and integral in keeping community safe from certain diseases. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, people in racial and ethnic minoritized groups have experienced challenges accessing and accepting vaccinations. Existing research measures the success of vaccination programs by focusing largely Read More >

Posted on by Mariama S. Tounkara, MPH2 CommentsTags , , ,

Health Justice As a Tool to Fight Existing and Future Pandemics

A small group of medical professionals sit at a table together discussing patient care.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic exposed the nation’s glaring health disparities, highlighting how the communities hit the hardest by the pandemic already had long suffered the impact of structural inequities. From the Syphilis Study at Tuskegee to the disproportionate impact of the HIV/AIDS crisis on members of the LGBTQ+ community, the history of discrimination Read More >

Posted on by Dr. Maranda C. WardLeave a commentTags , , ,

Looking Forward: Key Milestones in Health Equity!

Group of people celebrating end of year.

The year is coming to an end and many of us are looking ahead to what 2022 holds. Here, in the United States, many of us are vaccinated and safely reuniting with our loved ones. Holiday traditions are commencing in person once again and the new year is quickly approaching. Before writing those new year’s Read More >

Posted on by Eman Jibrel, MPH6 CommentsTags , , ,