Category: cancer

Clean Hands: A Key Part of Preventing Infections

Unrecognizable mom helps her young daughter wash her hands. They are rubbing their hands together creating foam with the soap.

Handwashing is one of the most important things you can do to protect yourself from getting sick. Getting an infection can be especially dangerous if you are a cancer patient getting chemotherapy treatment because you may not be able to fight off infections as well as you could before starting chemotherapy.  Read More >

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Overwhelmed by Too Much Health Advice? Cheat Sheet for Women’s Cancer Screenings and Good Health

Cheat Sheet for Women’s Cancer Screenings and Good Health

Our “cheat sheet” summarizes the cancer screenings most women need. But remember, there’s more to your health than just cancer screenings. Print the cheat sheet and take it with you to your next well-woman exam, so you can write down tests your doctor may recommend for other diseases or conditions such as diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, or cholesterol. Read More >

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