Best Remedy for COVID-19 Is Prevention

Posted on by DCPC

Since coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first identified and named in January, there has been a flurry of news articles and social media posts about the respiratory illness, also known as COVID-19. The flood of information can make it difficult to separate fact from fiction, and in a rapidly evolving situation such as this, rumors and misinformation can be dangerous. This is particularly true for people living with cancer, who may already have weakened immune systems that place them at higher risk for developing serious complications from the disease.

It’s natural for people to search for answers and information in times of uncertainty. Just make sure that your information sources are credible ones. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has an excellent site that is updated daily with the latest information on COVID-19.

Don’t fall for claims about remedies that will immunize or cure you of the disease. While there isn’t currently a vaccine or cure for coronavirus, there is a lot that you can still do to protect yourself and your health. Many of these are common practices that you already do every day.

Avoid close contact.

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Put distance between yourself and other people if COVID-19 is spreading in your community. This is especially important for cancer survivors and people with other serious chronic conditions, who are at higher risk of getting very sick.
  • Avoid crowded locations like malls, theaters, and sports venues.

Keep your hands clean.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid touching high-touch surfaces in public places—elevator buttons, door handles, handrails, handshaking with people, etc. Use a tissue or your sleeve to cover your hand or finger if you must touch something.

Make sure your health care team is also taking steps to protect you from exposures.

  • Your health care providers should also practice frequent hand washing and, in some cases, wear masks, gowns, and/or gloves to avoid exposing you to bacteria, viruses, and other infection-causing agents.
  • There is a wealth of information for cancer patients currently receiving treatment, cancer survivors, caregivers, and health care providers on how to prevent infection and support wellness on CDC’s

Clean and disinfect.

  • Clean AND disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks.
  • If surfaces are dirty, clean them: Use detergent or soap and water prior to disinfection.

Avoid Nonessential travel.

Taking just a few precautions now is your best defense in preventing and avoiding illness from this novel coronavirus.

Additional Resources

American Society of Clinical Oncology

World Health Organization

Thanks in advance for your questions and comments on this The Topic is Cancer post. Please note that the CDC does not give personal medical advice. If you are concerned talk to your doctor.

Have a question for CDC? CDC-INFO ( offers live agents by phone and email to help you find the latest, reliable, and science-based health information on more than 750 health topics.

Posted on by DCPC

219 comments on “Best Remedy for COVID-19 Is Prevention”

Comments listed below are posted by individuals not associated with CDC, unless otherwise stated. These comments do not represent the official views of CDC, and CDC does not guarantee that any information posted by individuals on this site is correct, and disclaims any liability for any loss or damage resulting from reliance on any such information. Read more about our comment policy ».

    It is just a statistic, I think all statistics should be shown just for information sake. It is not racist, it is just a fact. If you your intent in USING the knowledge is racist then the result of that action would be racist. I would be interested to see how many Native American or first nation people have contracted it, or died from it in comparison to other cultures.

    Because sometimes different things effect different races and maybe she wants to know for her own race. I don’t understand why it matters it is something she would like to know.

    No its not. in nursing homes visting mom and got sick with people not covering their mouth. It horrible and cannot get treated. No doctor will help and alone with my insrance medicare and medical. Been vaccinated and booster and this is miserable. why can not get treated or get the pill within 5 days, 65 years old with autoimmune and no help. if go to emergency risk exposing others. Why are they making it so difficult to get treatment

    I am not a Heinz 57 according to DNA. I have friends who are also not Heinz 57 but from have different amounts of melanin than myself. That is a mistaken perception. There are different ways our phenotypes react to different antigens-proven by ethnopharmacology. Our genetic differences matter.

    APPROXIMATELY 36% of COVID19 cases are from the Black community. Far higher than any other racial or ethnic group.
    The importance of racial profiling unfortunately depicts habitual neglect of specific persons as grouped mainly in high urban settings.

    Economic status may have more to do with this than race. So why do we want to make it a race issue when it’s not. Rates for whites living in poverty are higher also so stop making it a race issue it’s not a race issue.


    There is a test that can be done at most hospitals and some doctor’s offices to determine if you have the virus. However, due to limited resources, you will likely NOT be tested unless you show symptoms of the illness and have tested negative for other illnesses with the same symptoms. It is recommended to stay at home and manage any illness for as long as possible.

    I Have Stage 4 Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cancer Of The Head And Neck Complete Rhinectomy , 13 Major Surgeries, 7 Weeks/35 Radiation Treatments Total 6,000 Units, And last July 31, 2019 Finished 40 Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments For Getting Immuniy, How Long Do I Wait To Get Tested ?

    Yes. You can have both COVID 19 and influenza at the same time. They’re separate viruses. Just like it is possible to have both influenza A and influenza B at the same time.

    Does Ibuprofen increase my risk of contracting the Corona Virus? This is all over social media and I am prescribed it for chronic pain syndrome and Fibromyalgia

    I would like to know the answer to that question also. I heard that ibuprofen, naproxen, Advil, and so on and so forth, that these medicines make the covid-19 worse! My sister takes it for underlying health issues.

    I need an answer to this question too. I’m prescribed Naproxen and muscle relaxers for a skeletal muscular related condition. I also just had a molar extracted and am in pain. I haven’t taken anything for either because I haven’t been able to find an answer to this question. Now I have dry socket, and I’m about to take some naproxen because it’s all I have in my house besides aspirin and ibuprofen.

    I was in contact with my friend who was COVID19 positive. When she came in contact with me, I had a terrible headach and knee pain plus weekness so I took Naproxen (which I usually take for my Knee and hand issues). I was fine the next day, after six days I was tested for COVID; It was negative!!! Now it has been 12 days and I don’t have any symptoms, but my doctor at John Hopkins said if I develop any symptoms I need to inform them. Plus I have been isolated since April 19th and have no reason to go out thanks to the technology. I am very curious to know the incubation period for this virus and how really it effect the system, since I have underlying medical issues. I hope I don’t get the COVID in next two days, but as of today I have no symptoms and it has been 12 days plus the COVID test was negative. I will keep you guys posted if things change in two days or few days. I hope it helps, just trying to share my experience.

    is there any mask that I could wear that would protect me from contact of the corona virus. Especially from the A systematic out in public

    I am amazed and disappointed that in this article on prevention that there is no mention of diet and micronutrients in regards to staying healthy and maintaining resilience to disease. I would expect the CDC to at least mention Americans eating a diet pertaining to ” My Plate ” and leaving out sugar and empty calorie foods.

    Also there is no mention of exercise that helps our bodies health and resilience to disease.

    I’ve been reminding kids to be sure to get the recommended amount of sleep for their age, eat plenty of fruits and veges and other healthful foods and to get outside, get fresh air and exercise. I’m also surprised that the focus has been on hand washing, etc and not also on basic daily proactive ways to avoid getting sick by having a healthy body.

    Agreeing with your post.
    I think they’re should be mention of what one can do and take to build up immune system.
    This is also a critical part of prevention

    In a situation like this, people need virus specific information, not generalized, broad recommendations which don’t have anything more to do with preventing this virus than they do helping to prevent numerous other illnesses. That is not the job of publishing health in the case like this where hundreds of millions worldwide are trying to prevent a virus that is previously unknown and about which the public feels it knows very little. Just telling someone to “eat healthy and get exercise,” etc., is not helpful.

    THANK YOU. Everyone knows they should eat healthy and exercise, and their habits now are what they are. Using this pandemic to preach about anything other than what people can do to prevent contracting a deadly virus dilutes and obfuscates CoVid19 specific instructions. That is harmful. Now you know.

    These comments are informative for helping explain why many of us are having a very hard time finding recommendations on lifestyle changes that could decrease our odds of poor Covid-19 outcome. However, the logic fails. Is the endless advice on washing hands and social distancing specific to Covid-19? Of course not. Many of us are looking for Covid-19 specific advice on lifestyle changes. There is a lot known about the comorbidities for Covid-19, and there is a lot known about what lifestyle choices lead to many of those conditions. And we know Covid-19 has specific effects on the body related to the lungs and heart. Is there really no Covid-19 specific advice on improving those parts of our body? Should we improve cardiorespiratory health? How? Will I truly find this info on the FDA site? It is understandable that this is a sensitive subject given that some comorbidities are not reversible or preventable, the obvious being age. But we need help, we need advice. Our concern is the likelihood of getting Covid-19 combined with the likelihood of a poor outcome. Must health organizations be exclusively focused on the first?

    We have been told that anyone with COVID19 should not take ibuprofen for any reason. Ibuprofen makes it worse. Tylenol should only be used. Is this true? Thank you

    There has been anecdotal reports advocating the avoidance of Ibuprofen and all NSAID’s which has not been back by scientific study’s. That said there are alternative ways to manage fever and comfort to include acetaminophen, and other non-pharmaceutical means.

    WHO updated as of 3/1/20 and said that and I’m putting in quotes,

    “At present, based on currently available information, WHO does not recommend AGAINST the use of ibuprofen. We are also consulting with physicians treating COVID-19 patients and are not aware of reports of any negative effects of ibuprofen beyond the usual known side effects that limit its use in certain populations. WHO is not aware of published clinical or population-based data on this topic.”

    I take 800mg of Ibuprofen 3 times a day to manage a connective tissue disorder and chronic pain…today I heard this same rumor from a co-worker, so I came to the CDC website seeking clarification, and as of yet, have found none. Please clarify.

    It was just a tweet from the French Minister of Health in reference to 4 cases only. Appears that 4 healthy people died from the virus and the doctor had no answers as to why. The only thing he concluded was that they had taken Ibuprofen. There have been no studies done. It’s not substantiated by CDC, WHO, or FDA.

    I’m looking for the same guidance, WHO clarified that they don’t have any evidence of ibuprofen worsening the symptoms of COVID-19 but it was not affirmative.
    I hope the CDC can address this concern as ibuprofen works welll to reduce high fevers.

    I’m on hold with the CDC to try to see if this is propaganda or not. I take Ibuprofen 800 pretty regularly for Chronic pain. Tylenol doesn’t do anything for me. Plus regularly taken it gives rebound headaches.

    I’m looking as well. For those of you on high dosages of ibuprofen- I too was prescribed high dosage following a car accident. After 10+ months my stomach lining became extremely compromised. I can no longer take it at all and have had bleeding ulcers and other stomach issues. I believe the prescription of high dosage ibuprofen is one result of conservative approaches to pain management due to opioid addiction. Please be aware of the risks!!! I got here searching the same topic to warn loved ones. Thanks for listening. I too want the answer to this question.

    Why is there no clear answer to this question? I can’t take Tylenol, and am also one of many taking ibuprofen daily for pain and inflammation. There is a lot of hype being passed around warning us against taking ibuprofen… Please shed some light on this. We need to know!

    I have been trying to find this se information. My friends daughter works ar the hospital and they are telling them this information but it is disappointing that there is nothing about it on this site. Sigh. I wish they would either confirm or debunk.

    Your reply does not answer the question that everyone on this thread has been asking: is it true that ibuprofen and naproxen can worsen the symptoms of Covid-19, and that only Tylenol should be used for headaches and to reduce fevers? There are conflicting reports in the media, and it would be important for the CDC to clarify this. Thank you.

    I cannot find anything on the cdc site about ibuprofen and covid 19. Tylenol never seems to work for me so I normally use Aleve. So if I start to feel bad, do I need to switch to tylenol?

    I have been to the area your link leads to, I can’t find anything about ibuprofen there. Can you be more specific as to were information is located?

    With the current findings of people who have tested positive with no symptoms you need to avoid everyone not just those who are sick. Many do not even know they are sick. At least for a while.

    Is any data available regarding percentage of older adults who have contracted COVID 19 and recovered? We are receiving data of deaths specific to seniors, and total recovery, but I’d like to see the percentage number of seniors that recover.

    How about dentist´s office aerosol. The need to treat several patiens, one after other, can make it difficult to properly disinfect surfaces.

    There are so many care givers that need to be extra careful around the elderly and infirmed via medication, disease or illness. Visitors should have empathy to care for neighbors but at a distance or using telephone, text, email without direct contact. Emergency planning should be used by assisted living and retirement communities to check on residents who may not be able to use technology by using available health care services, security, and, if necessary local emergency services. Individuals who will residing with family and friends temporarily should notify other neighbors and security of their temporary change of residence. While these facilities may have business continuity plans to maintain essential medical and health services, emergency preparedness and readiness should extent to this population.

    I keep hearing Ibuprofen, steroids and elderberry make COVID 19 worse and to only take Tylenol. Why isn’t this being addressed if it’s true or false with so many people posting this info?

    One issue that I have not seen covered are the no option doctor appointments where the waiting room is packed, elbow to elbow, with people there for (hopefully) a doctor approved visit yet they still schedule patients for 15-20 minutes appointments, then get behind, resulting in everyone in the waiting room being exposed to a variety of germs.

    Thank you for this practical information. Will share. Sadly, not all physicians and health teams practice washing hands on an everyday basis. How do we ensure that they practice it now? In Mississippi, I’ve had my physcian team tell me that they don’t beleive in washing their hands; it was just a waste of time. Of course, we know that isn’t true.

    Seriously? Eew & dangerous especially since you work at a medical facility where people expect staff to be sanitary. Please practice extra precaution during this time!

    To be perfectly honest, it is malpractice for a licensed physician or an RN to say that or act on it. It absolutely does Mair a difference and while we haven’t tested for every bit of info that is put out there (something most lay people and media would be surprised to know), we have actually tested this. Get a different doctor and complain to your state medical board.

    I work for a Corporate Independent Retirement Community with over 200 residents. I have been informed by Management I am only to wear a face mask/eye shield only after I have contracted a virus/flu. At that time I am not permitted to work once sick. My thinking is I should be proactive and not reactive in the event of possibly being exposed to COVID19. Why are all the news showing instances of 1st responders and medical people are all wearing masks, am I to assume they are all infected and that is why they are wearing masks?

    There seems to be quite a bit of confusion concerning this matter. If I am exposed to residents sneezing & coughing in my presence what is to be my point of protection considering the load exposure and the fact this is an airborne virus. So is it my right to wear a proper approved mask or not in this instance at me place of employment?

    I had a mammo done a few weeks ago, the office was empty the technician wore gloves, her tech clothes, i had on a gown top. Thinking back, even though not symptomatic, one of us should have worn a mask, she got close to me, but I turned my head away when she did. So far I’m healthy.

    I’m searching here for same information! If we are to avoid these medications, the CDC needs to immediately release a warning to all!

    What is the medications that aren’t working well with this virus or are suppressing the immune system? Such as Losartan and Ibuprofen? Ibuprofen is being talked about a lot so that is the main question

    We live in White Rock, NM and have only one grocery store. It is Smith’s. People have hoarded food and supplies so badly that we can’t get what we need. We have nowhere else to go since we are told that we would be wasting our time because all of the stores in our area have shortages. What are we supposed to do when we can’t get food to eat? That’s what it looks like is happening here, and we keep being told that we don’t have to worry about food shortages–there is plenty of food to be had. Well, NO, THERE ISN’T IN NEW MEXICO! Someone please answer this comment if you have information to share about it. The CDC doesn’t even list the topic! WE NEED FOOD AND SUPPLIES TO LIVE ON!

    Is it possible for you to order things online? I would get rice, pasta and canned veggies.
    I just checked Amazon and they have alot of those items I mentioned. Also, for harder
    to find items, do you have family or friends that can ship some items to you?

    Coronavirus concerns:
    I am a cancer and leukemia survivor. A relative lives with me and is employed by a daycare center that currently has no plans of closing. Many of the parents of the children are known to be world travelers. Should I ask my relative to stop working now while she lives with me? Is there a waiver that she can use so that she will continue to be paid if she stops? Thanks a lot for your response.

    Hi I have an idea for PPE on testing sites build two extra tents. One for soiled equipment with 20 or 30 washing machines/have these individuals handling the soiled/dirty clothes and clean well trained on cross contamination. Second tent with clothes dryers. Gowns could be fabric and constantly washed and reused. For face shield buy welding mask/hats that can be washed down and properly sanitized maybe use the fog their using to disinfect schools. For face mask you can use the same N95 all day per RN for multiple uses as it’ll be covered By the welding face shield. Only disposable between each patient gloves……. if you train healthcare workers properly to prevent cross contamination on removing PPE properly and disinfecting it’ll work.

    Why are there not more tests ready for those who think they might have Covid19?
    Why are there not more testing facilities to process these tests?

    Good morning! As a pharmacist, I have had questions regarding the a facebook post that stated not to take ibuprofen if you haeve COVID 19. Any guidance on this? Thank you.

    The question being asked is “Can you take Advil or Ibuprofen if you have Covid19?”
    The frequently asked questions does not address this question.

    Why is there no information on what to take for the fever.? Tylenol vs.Ibuprofen?? This information of just stay home and call your primary care is not enough for those of us with elder parents.

    Where is there information on what to do if you have the symptons. lots of talk about tylenol and other OTCs, but can’t find any real info on CDC site.

    I haven’t read anything negative concerning taking or not taking Ibuprofen from any reputable website. IF I happen to get a fever and/or body aches I’m going to take either ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and/or naproxen to try’n keep fever and body aches down. Until or Unless I here not to from the CDC or a licensed MD, physician! Lotsa misinformation out there

    Well, if you don’t wash fresh produce, you will potentially be eating someone else’s boogers and butt sweat. Of course you wash your produce!

    Should we eat fresh fruits and vegetables not home-grown?
    Yes! But be aware that others might have touched the item and so peel it or wash or rinse it with mild dish soap before serving or eating. And always wash your hands after handling anything that might have been touched by others before you eat.

    The first sentence is incorrect.

    The virus was first identified in early/mid-December. The Dr in China that first recognized this virus as a serious problem was arrested, then released, and later died of the disease he discovered.

    Very late in December the Chinese Government gave samples to the WHO, and it was quickly verified as a Novel Corona Virus.

    It was not “first identified and name in January.”

    I heard that while we are dealing with coronavirus that we should stay away from ibuprofen, Aleve, was told that some ingredient in those somehow attract COVID19 is that true? Also, I am a Cancer patient and have asthma and am 66 years old. and I share a house with 2 others that don’t take COVID19 seriously. They go out and come back and don’t do what is told we should do. I have told them that this is serious and I am at HIGH RISK but they don’t care. So I stay in my room with my dog and bleach everything every other day. I also purchased an ultraviolet sanitizer that kills bacteria and viruses. Will that help me at all? I am just trying to do the right thing for myself.

    What’s the sense of having this question and answer website when I see people have been asking for a week if ibuprofens are safe with Covid-19 and it still has t been answered ?
    Should people take ibuprofen or Tylenol if they find that they have a fever. ??

    Build up your Immune system, Give up junk food, sodas, smoking! Eat organic fresh fruits and vegetables,
    No health profession is saying this, We are a country who are grabbing up the can and processed food, I can always find fresh fruits and vegetables in the grocery stores, Please professional grow up and tell everyone to get healthy!

    Flash frozen produce and meats are known to maintains nutrients greater than “fresh” (unless it was picked off the vine within 2-3 days of purchase).

    Not everyone can afford fresh vegetables and fruits. Seniors live on a very tight budget, those items are luxuries. Plus they shouldn’t be going out every week for groceries due to their weak immune systems.

    Hello all,
    It is obvious by the lack of replies from a so call trusted source to answer your very concerning questions on is taking ibuprofen, Tylenol , etc. safe to take. The best answer to that is CONTACT YOUR HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL DIRECTLY. They will be the best authority on your individual situation.
    I myself have received these FALSE and MISLEADING social media treads stating it’s from a reliable source to not take these or other over the counter or prescribed medications. THEY ARE ALL FAKE NEWS!
    Rest assured that there is no such evidence that any of those statements on social media are true or factual and are from someone’s friend of a friend who is a nurse, or janitor who has first hand info. USE YOUR COMMON SENSE HERE PEOPLE.
    If in doubt call your own healthcare professional for advice. Your Doctor knows best for you.
    Remember keep calm, relax and don’t worry about this madness that has taken over to mass hysteria. It will be all over soon. Wishing everyone the best.

    I did just that you know what my health care provider said? They said they think it’sok but they really don’t know for sure!!! So it’sa guessing game for them as well!! No one knows the facts about ibuprofen and other nsaids is what I’m being told! By my…. health care professionals!!! So I go by what I see dress from Italy or NY posting!! Which I feel indicates that it causes the Corona to create pneumonia!! If you know any different please advise

    What is the relationship between NSAIDS and COVID19. Receiving messages no Advil to treat symptoms as ” virus thrives on Ibuprofen” and ” induces Pneumonia”

    I had the same question about Ibuprofen and I’m shocked that this has not be answered on this blog. This is what I found on New Jersey’s official COVID-19 site and I just confirmed it on the phone with them. It sounds a bit confusing because of the double negatives, but it basically says that WHO has not gathered enough data to make a formal recommendation, but as of now they are NOT saying to avoid it. However, even though WHO isn’t recommending for or against it, the woman on the phone suggested acetaminophen instead until they gather more information:

    “Over-the-counter options for fever reducers include ibuprofen and acetaminophen. The World Health Organization (WHO) has clarified that it does NOT recommend AGAINST the use of ibuprofen as a self-medication for treating fever or pain linked to COVID-19. WHO is gathering more data before making a formal recommendation.

    Patients who have been prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs should talk to their doctors or healthcare providers before changing any medications.”

    Why aren’t restaurants and grocery being given specific guidelines on how to keep themselves and the members of the communities they service safe?

    I have been seeing in Facebook that Advil makes the Corona virus from mild to severe. If this is not true, I wish the CDC will let the public know. Your thoughts please.

    In case it hasn’t been considered, with respect to higher mortalities in males, consideration should be given to facial hair (beards). The progression of respiratory distress leads through nasal O2 to masks to ventilators. Given that nursing care is very stretched its likely that men do not get shaven in a timely way once they cannot do personal hygiene for themselves. A beard growing behind a mask presents an increased surface area to harbor exhaled virus which is then recycled back into the lungs as an increase in viral load. An unshaven face could be considered a break from essential personal hygiene especially in a critical care setting.

    I have witnessed cashiers at grocery stores for example coming into contact say with 100 people per hour. These people or sector of employment needs to be addressed. They themselves should be provided with extra protection and guidelines due to the high amount of human contact at close contact.


    I have been reading that the use of Motrin and Advil can increase the difficulty with Covid19. I am allergic to tylenol and have only been able to use Motrin. Is this information true? What would you recommend as a replacement?

    Did anyone read the ‘fine print’ at the top of this blog? The CDC is not answering questions. It states:

    “Comments listed below are posted by individuals not associated with CDC, unless otherwise stated. These comments do not represent the official views of CDC, and CDC does not guarantee that any information posted by individuals on this site is correct, and disclaims any liability for any loss or damage resulting from reliance on any such information. Read more about our comment policy ».”

    No one at the CDC is going to answer these questions. Just wanted to mention that.

    I’m hearing the Ibuprofen increases covid-19 and makes the symptoms worse and increases your chance to die from it. Any truth to this?

    CDC please stop replying to the questions around ibuprofen with links to the commonly asked q&a.
    I have clicked every link and there is no definitive answer that I was able to find.
    If you can’t answer the question at this time just say so.

    Do you people not read anything else except your own vapid posts? Scroll up a few and it will answer all of your questions… And why would anyone believe anything like this from Facebook? It’s Facebook…

    I someone is running fever what should they take such as ibuprofen and/or Tylenol? My husband said that we are not supposed to take ibuprofen or Advil? Asking to see if this is true.

    I’ve heard 2 sources now that Ibuprofen and Advil seem to cause COVID 19 to have worse negative results and or advance to pneumonia quicker. does the CDC have knowledge or recommendations on whether to use or not use these two products if symptoms start. thanks

    Wow, I came here to look for answers. And after looking at this immensely long thread it is clear that there does not appear to be a regulator that is responding for the CDC. Pretty disappointing…

    I just heard a audio file explaining the harm of taking Advil while having COVID-19. The claim is that it causes pneumonia to flare up. True or false?

    So sad that when you’re trying to find the answer to a simple question–which is better for coronavirus, ibuprofen or tylenol–you can’t get a straight answer anywhere! If you want all the rumors to stop, ANSWER THE QUESTION!

    I heard, also, not to take ibuprofen or NSAID OTC pain killers. Then today from a site called “Science alert” said (Not sure if it is a reliable site) But it does NOT answer the question, Can you take NSAIDs?

    “We do not currently believe there is any proven scientific evidence linking over-the-counter use of ibuprofen to the aggravation of COVID-19,” the statement said.

    The spokesperson said Reckitt Benckiser was “engaging with the WHO, EMA (the European Medicines Agency) and other local health authorities” on the issue and would provide “any additional information or guidance necessary for the safe use of our products following any such evaluation.”

    with covid-19 on the rise should dialysis, nurses and techs require all patients to keep their mask covering nose & mouth? Because at the Davita center where i go they don’t

    I too would like the advil/tylenol question cleared up. I see it all over facebook and I would like to speak to it, but do not know if it is true or not. I don’t want to spread misinformation, but would like to share best practices for safety during this time. I usually take ibuprofen for headaches and fevers, but if it recommended to abstain during this time, then I would like to be able to pass on that information.

    I want to know that realtion between NSAIDS and COVID-19, i recevied one message ,where i have read that iboprofen aggrevate the COVID-19 ,i am dental pracitioner ,very commonly we are using that medicine in our practice ,thats why my concern is more to get this statement clear it out ,i request to CDC team that please provide me valid information regarding that .

    Yeah I called the CDC about the Ibuprofen question, it’s ok vs not ok to take. They directed me here and the only mention it in the comments with the same question, NO ANSWERS. They say to contact your health care provider or local government but they don’t know! I am on Ibuprofen 800mg 3x/day. a lot of people NEED TO KNOW!!!!

    Trying to find the information that many others are on here regarding the rumors of ibuprofen. True or false. Yes or No. a simple answer would be nice to put some people at ease. Thank you

    I am a nurse in a hospital and live with my sister. are there special precautions I need to take to protect her? I leave my scrubs in the garage, wash my hands, and shower upon entering the house. She is afraid and basically wants to limit my movement in the house. She put a refrigerator in my room so I don’t have to come out for snacks. When out on the patio she wants me to sit away from her.. I take all precautions at work and at home. Is there any information on how to protect family members of health care providers? I am asymptomatic and have only been floated to the the virus unit once since this all started. Any information you can offer is greatly appreciated.

    Facebook and other media claims Advil makes the Corona Virus from mild to severe. Is this true? If so why hasn’t the CDC updated their website to alert the public? Please advise…..

    Like many others, I want to know if Naproxen has any effect on the corona virus. I have severe arthritis and have stopped taking my Naproxen. After a week without it, I’m in a lot of pain.

    When the NYT and the WP and others are now recommending MASKS, why isn’t the CDC? We can understand the need to get PPE to our health care workers, but this did not need to mean you had to mislead the public. We need to be able to believe our chief health agency, and to continue to withhold this lifesaving information, when even a homemade mask will help, is to further damage your credibility.

    There is something going around social media advising everyone not to use ibuprofen to help strengthen your body to fight COVID. Is there any truth to this? Do we need to stop using ibuprofen?

    is it safe to still take out side walks that’s all I do right now I even wear a mask an no touch face n wash hands when I come back from walk also are me an husband safe cuz he still has to work and comes home he keeps distant in work as much as possible cleans hands n surfaces are we safe an is there any thing else we need to do to be safe

    Anecdotal info is that people taking doxycycline for acne are not being infected with covid 19 virus while rest of family are showing signs of covid 19. is this worth looking into for a senior citizen with CHF?

    I am confused about one thing. Everyone talks about using detergent to watch a countertop then a disinfectant.
    If the virus is gotten rid of by washing our hands with soap and water, why isn’t just soap and water good enough for washing countertops etc? why is disinfectant called for there? Makes no sense to me.

    How long should the lockdown to be continued? If you are entering into 3rd stage and fear of community spread is at your doorstep.

    Can you contract the virus by using the same stationary bike in the home? I know the bike should be washed down with soap and water and disinfected but are there other reasons why the bike should not used by two different family member(s)? I am concerned about any residual body fluids left between the thread seams on the seat.

    I just picked up my prescription meds from pharmacy and I’m thinking ok do I have to worry about taking the pills ? There is no way to disinfect a pill but what about the concern of the sanitary measures of the pharmacist or person who put the pills in the bottle ?
    I may sound paranoid but is it ok to just take my meds?

    I would like to know if I can go outside for a walk ? Or if I can open the windows in my house for fresh air ? Something no one will answer. Why ?????

    Since the ultimate success over COVID-19 is our immune system, why have we not heard methods of strengthening those systems? They can pinpoint and destroy COVID19 without any negative effects to the rest of the body.
    Also, since Vitamin C is a known, potent antiviral, why are we not using that against COVID-19? It’s safe, readily available and no negatives – and cheap!

    Want to fight a war? Expect casualties.
    Want to hide and cower? Expect annihilation.
    Want to win? Make strong, offensive moves.
    We have so far been wonderful at retreating and being defensive. We should have been immediately attacking by strengthening our immune systems and taking the antiviral Vitamin C. Instead, we wait for drugs when tour two most powerful weapons that give our bodies ammunition to fight the pathogen lay awaiting and unused.

    I have reached out to Johns Hopkins Medical School and asked the burning question RE: Can I use Aleve or Advil instead of Tylenol for fever/body aches, etc… I hope I can get a timely and definitive answer from them as there is entirely too much misinformation and fake news out there and people are getting frustrated because no one is addressing this issue. Acetaminophen (Tylenol)®, Naproxen Sodium (Aleve®), and Ibuprofen (Advil®) all have antipyretic (lowers fever) properties, but Tylenol does not have the anti-inflammatory actions the NSAIDS Aleve and Advil have. Some of the more predominant side effect for NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) is gastric upset and bleeding and increased risk of stroke or heart attack with high doses. This information came from Web MD’s site
    I hope this helps until we get a reliable answer from one of the health authorities.

    The ratio of deaths among certain ethnic groups is being touted by media as a race bias in healthcare. They seem to focus on sensationalism more than substance. The medical community is well aware that those with a smoking history are at greater risk of not surviving the virus. It has also been documented that some groups have a higher ratio of smokers which may be the key factor to the death ratio.

    We cannot change our race but we can change habits and may be influenced to do so by real data rather than just focusing on the death ratio by race.

    I read some were not to try and bring the fever down
    not to take Tylenol
    if you bring the fever down the virus could get worse
    Please let me know if it is true

    I live directly behind a nursing home,( we share a fence) where they just reported 50+ cases of COVID and 2 deaths. I do not have any contact with the residents or employees. Am I at risk? My outdoor patio faces the facility. Not sure how far the virus can travel or how long it lives in the open air? I am very concerned

    Thank you for responding’

    If a person was treated with radiation (only) for cancer 6 years ago should he or she be concern about working in an environment with confirmed Corvid-19 and suspects?

    The CDC will not respond to the question about the safety of Ibuprofen with COVID19, period. Why, you may ask? The answer is simple. THEY DON’T KNOW!!!!! The CDC will only give guidance on questions with scientific studies and evidence backing the advice they give. These studied don’t happen overnight. SO, THEY DON’T KNOW THE ANSWER. Of course it would be nice if they would just say they don’t know when so many are asking. So what should you do? If you think you have COVID19 or think you may have been exposed. Check with your doctor and avoid the questionable medications if you are more comfortable doing so. Request an alternative medication until you have been cleared. If you HAVEN’T been exposed, The CDC offers many ways to protect yourself from being exposed. Stay home, only go out when absolutely necessary. Wear a mask when you are in public. You may think it looks silly, but trust me, having a vent tube shoved down your throat looks worse. Wash /sanitize your hands often, especially when leaving the house. Avoid touching your face, mouth, nose or eyes. Avoid social situations and touching others and them touching you. Maintain 6 feet of distance from others that don’t live in the same house as you. I live in Louisiana. We were formerly ranked #4 among the states with the most COVID19 cases, today we are #13. We were pushed out of 4th place by other states that were slow to issue stay at home orders and practice social distancing. States that had public protest also passed us up. Social distancing works!!! If you avoid exposure, the question of being able to take Ibuprofen or not is a mute issue.

    Back in February my daughter and i were diagnoised with Influenza B, but we had very similar symptoms with the respiratory part of covid19 and high fever, could we have also had covid and just not tested for it? Can you have both?

    Thank you for this blog it is helpful. Keep up the good work. Sometimes people have a lot of thinking about the covid19 vaccine, since there was no vaccine is surely formulated to treat covid19 pandemic they are hopping that some antibiotic could prevent it, but we must be careful on choosing antibiotic because this could also lead us to danger.

    This may sound like a stupid question, but I can’t find answers anywhere, other than a couple nurse friends that were on the Covid front lines in New York…

    Are severe nosebleeds a symptom of Covid? I understand that blood clots are a symptom and I am wondering if the nosebleeds I had for 2.5 months this year were a symptom of Covid. They lasted for over an hour at a time at their worst, several times a day. then one day, they stopped. not even slowed down, just stopped all together. I know that is an answer to prayer. But if this is a symptom that is not being advertised, it should be. or if you aren’t monitoring it, maybe you should?

    I just want piece of mind.

    Also – are white spots on the throat a symptom? That is also not posted anywhere.

    So, my wife and I are at a point. She says we should keep the windows shut, especially on the street side of the house. And also at night. It is about fifty feet to the middle of the road and she says passing cars might have occupants that are shedding the virus. Or a pedestrian who walks by out house which is at least 20′ away and below the rockery in front of the house. I say I’m roasting in the summer weather and we should have fresh air. Who is right? I thought there was a 6′ safety distance.

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Page last reviewed: Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Page last updated: Wednesday, June 10, 2020