Category: Distribution Channel Used

Create a Local Network of “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” Delegates

Training community partners to effectively disseminate “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” materials and messages. Example The Minnesota Act Early State Team trained community members from culturally diverse backgrounds as delegates of “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” to aid in the dissemination of campaign messaging and materials. Participants completed webinar trainings and strategic dissemination plans to Read More >

Parent Educators Provide Materials to Pediatric Primary Care Practices

Working with parent educators to provide Milestone Moments booklets and other materials to, and conduct trainings with, pediatric primary care providers. Read More >

Market to Partners through E-mail

E-mail marketing, including web links to “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” resources, to promising partner organizations. Read More >

Mail Materials to Partners

Including materials in a mailing to key partner offices. Read More >

Link to Web Resources in Parent Newsletters

Linking to “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” website and materials and providing information about milestones in an e-newsletter to parents. Read More >

Link to Web Resources in Online Toolkits

Linking to “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” web resources in online toolkits for appropriate target audiences.  Read More >

Feature “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” in Statewide Trainings

Featuring materials and Autism Case Training curriculum at trainings, often in tandem with other relevant topics. Read More >

Develop State-Specific Act Early Website

Developing state-specific Act Early websites for parents, primary care providers, and/or other partners. Read More >

Adapt and Customize Radio Public Service Announcement

Adapting “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” public service announcement materials for radio, customized with state-specific information to reach parents of young children. Read More >