Public Health Matters Blog Posts

Emergency Response 10 Years After Katrina

In 2005, in the face of one of the largest natural disasters in U.S. history, Dr. Dan Sosin was called upon as a member of the United States Public Health Service to deploy to Louisiana and provide support to the state’s emergency response. Amidst the chaos and devastation from Hurricane Katrina, Dr. Sosin traveled to the state emergency operation center in Baton Rouge  Read More >

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Back to School–Be Prepared!

four children in front of school with bookbags

As school supplies are packed in backpacks, school bus schedules are double-checked, and the finishing touches are put on your kids first day of school outfit, make sure your emergency plans are in place. Did you know that emergency preparedness plays a major role in school life? Throughout the year, schools actively prepare for natural Read More >

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Unveiling the Burden of Dengue in Africa

Mosquito sucking blood on human skin with nature background

Most travelers to Africa know to protect themselves from malaria. But malaria is far from the only mosquito-borne disease in Africa. Recent studies have revealed that dengue, a disease that is well recognized in Asia and the Americas, may be commonly misdiagnosed as malaria in Africa. Read More >

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Getting there Safely—Avoid Driving Disasters

road and storm cloud sky

From weekend getaways to cross-country road trips, people spend countless hours driving each year. Despite the confidence you may feel behind the wheel, there are some situations where driving is not a safe option for anyone. The weather can cause especially dangerous driving conditions, often putting a driver and their passengers in unexpected and risky Read More >

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Celebrating the Fourth of July: Be Healthy, Be Prepared

Group of People Waving American Flags in Back Lit

While it may not be the typical patriotic image we envision, helping yourself, your family, and your community be more prepared to respond to disasters could be one of the most patriotic things you do this holiday weekend. In an emergency, the first to respond are typically those closest in proximity to the disaster. Read More >

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CDC Offers Hope in Fighting Brain-Eating Ameba

Magnified 500X, this 1971 photomicrograph depicted some of the histopathologic changes associated with an infection found in a brain tissue specimen due to the presence of free-living amoebae of the genus, Naegleria.

By Sioux Henley Campbell   Fighting Brain-Eating Ameba [i] It sits in a blister pack, secured in a nondescript office at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), just a few phone calls away from being flown to a patient’s bedside for emergency treatment. Miltefosine is one of several drugs used to treat rare[ii] diseases that the Read More >

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