Public Health Matters Blog Posts

Small Changes, Big Dividends: A Global Look at Preparedness

Soumbedioune fish market in Dakar, Senegal

There’s a big difference between seeing something in a picture and experiencing it in 360-degree reality, saturated with sounds and smells. In the summer of 1987, I traveled to Senegal for three weeks. This was the first time I had really traveled and seen firsthand what the rest of the world was like. In Dakar, Read More >

Posted on by Dr. Stephen Redd, Director, Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response2 CommentsTags , , , ,

One Humanity: Supporting Mothers and Infants in the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Train tracks into WRTC

The scale of the Syrian crisis is nearly beyond comprehension: 4.8 million refugees, 8.7 million people displaced inside Syria’s borders. But the numbers don’t tell the whole story. Across the world, CDC has people on the ground working to protect the health of those affected by the crisis – people like Leisel Talley, whose mission Read More >

Posted on by Adrienne Lefevre, Emergency Response and Recovery Branch1 CommentTags , , , , , , , ,

Ready or Not: Communicating During an Emergency in the Country of Georgia

Emergencies don’t wait for you to be ready. In 2015, the country of Georgia invited CDC to conduct a training on the principles of Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication (CERC). But before we could get there, the capital city of Tblisi was struck by a major flood. The flash flood and ensuing mudslide killed 20 Read More >

Posted on by Lisa Briseño, Health Communications Specialist, Emergency Risk Communication BranchLeave a commentTags , , , , ,

Safe Travels for Zika and Other Dangerous Samples

Barcoded medical samples in transparent tubes

As Zika virus spreads across the globe, scientists in the United States are finding ways to fight it. Currently, there are no vaccines to prevent Zika or medicines for treatment. To create better tests – including rapid tests – and develop vaccines, scientists need to conduct research with the virus in their labs. Read More >

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Using the Law to Prepare for Global Health Emergencies

CDC country office sign in Liberia

Countries need to be prepared to handle emergencies. Having the right laws in place is an important part of the preparation. When laws are not clearly defined, responders can have a hard time figuring out what to do during a public health emergency and who has the authority to take action. Read More >

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Parents and Kids Prepare for Emergencies Together

Kids on a camping trip

School is out, and summer is a time for hanging out with family and friends, taking vacations and going away to camp. It is also the season for disasters like tornadoes, hurricanes and wildfires. Read More >

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