
Testing…1,2,3: How Does CDC Respond to Anthrax?


This week, CDC’s Division of Strategic National Stockpile is practicing how it would respond to the release of anthrax in multiple locations across the nation. Four states – North Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee and Kentucky – also are participating in this exercise so they, too, can test their abilities to respond. Read More >

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Be a Force of Nature

This time last year, storms ripped through the central and southern United States spawning more than 300 tornadoes and claiming hundreds of lives. This year we observed National Severe Weather Preparedness Week in memory of these tragic events and to encourage everyone to learn what to do when severe weather strikes. Read More >

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Traveling to the Olympics this summer? Be careful what you bring back

Aerial view of Olympic Stadium in London

With the 2012 Summer Olympics less than 100 days away, people around the world are preparing. Athletes are putting in their final weeks of training, London officials are getting the city ready for visitors, and spectators are making travel plans. In CDC’s case, we’re trying to make sure everyone’s healthy for the big event. Read More >

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Meta-Leadership: Closing Preparedness Gaps to Safeguard America

  By Charles Stokes, President and CEO, CDC Foundation I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the deep budget cuts that are straining the capacity of CDC, along with state and local health agencies across the country.  In these tough times, community leaders have to figure out creative ways to help close the gaps to Read More >

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Creating and Strengthening Community-Based Disaster Coalitions

By Christine Griffith and Carol Jeffers, Sarasota County Health and Human Service, and Patrick Gardner, University of South Florida  Located on the Gulf of Mexico in southwest Florida, Sarasota County is no stranger to extreme weather and natural disasters. But as Emergency Management Chief Ed McCrane says, “You don’t have to be hit by a Read More >

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Vaccines: Test Your Knowledge

   World experts are working to increase vaccination to protect our communities: True or False?  TRUE.  Immunization campaigns have played an important role in helping vaccine-preventable diseases such as polio virtually disappear. The occurrence of diseases such as measles, pertussis, and diphtheria, among others were all significantly reduced after vaccination.   At the International Conference on Read More >

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