Category: Other

Closing Gaps in Ovarian Cancer

Audra Moran, President and CEO of the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Alliance

In recognition of Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, CDC’s Sherri Stewart and Audra Moran, President and CEO of the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Alliance, discuss the current state of ovarian cancer treatment and improvements that can reduce deaths from ovarian cancer among all women. Read More >

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I Did Everything to Avoid Cancer…And It Still Got Me

Photo of Terry and her husband Johnny

Terri makes it her mission to help women who are at risk for or who have ovarian cancer. She is also determined to live her life to the fullest. “I feel that [cancer is] a life sentence, not a death sentence,” Terri says. Read More >

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Lewis’ Story: Throat Cancer Changed His World

Lewis and his dog

“When you hear the word ‘cancer,’ your world changes in an instant,” says Lewis. Diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer, Lewis endured seven weeks of chemotherapy and radiation treatments, which shrunk the tumor to the point that it could no longer be found. Lewis and his wife Amy started a support group for people with head and neck cancers. Read More >

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CDC Celebrates World Cancer Day

Photo of Dr. Lisa Richardson

“In honor of World Cancer Day on February 4th, I’m going to pause for a moment to share with you what CDC has done to help improve cancer prevention, early detection, and treatment; to raise awareness about cancer; and educate people with cancer. I’m proud of CDC’s battle against cancer.” Read More >

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Tribal Policies Help Set Smoke-Free Standard

Reducing exposure to tobacco saves human suffering and economic hardship, since it is especially dangerous to children, elders, and diabetics. In addition, smoke-free spaces help people quit abusing tobacco—a particularly important outcome in Fond du Lac, where more than half of tribal members smoke cigarettes. This project helped create a community norm that celebrates healthy environments. Read More >

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