Category: Other

Data on the Forefront: How CDC Keeps Measuring Progress and Targeting Action

Data allow people to monitor health in communities, whether that is a small area or the entire country. High-quality, reliable cancer statistics mean we can accurately track who is getting cancer and what types of cancer are increasing or decreasing. Showing these data in an understandable way means everyone involved can work smarter and do more good. Read More >

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3 Weird Things About Acetaldehyde

Drinking any kind of alcohol can contribute to cancers of the mouth and throat, larynx (voice box), esophagus, colon and rectum, liver, and breast (in women).

Acetaldehyde can cause cancer, and the more acetaldehyde you are exposed to, the higher your cancer risk. But what is acetaldehyde? Read More >

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Lowering Your Cancer Risk: A Matter of Ups and Downs

You can help prevent cancer by making healthy choices for you and your family.

Like creating a great song, creating a healthy body is a matter of ups and downs. A few simple choices can help you engineer a lifetime with lower cancer risk. Read More >

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Vaccination Nation: A Real Shot at Preventing Cancer

You can protect yourself and your family against some cancers by getting vaccinated.

"Suppose someone tells you there are quick, easy ways to help keep people from getting some kinds of cancer. Would you believe it?" Read More >

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Inspiring and Taking Action Against Cancer

You can help prevent cancer!

On World Cancer Day, it’s important to set our sights on a future where every person has the right information, makes healthy choices that prevent cancer before it starts, has the right screening at the right time, and gets good cancer treatment no matter where they live. Read More >

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