Category: Childhood Cancer

A Bright STAR in the Fight Against Childhood Cancer

Scott Lenfestey

I may have finished treatment, but my job isn’t finished yet because we need more treatments for kids with cancer and a cure someday. Read More >

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Pediatric Cancer Can’t Stop This STAR Athlete

Childhood Cancer Star Act

When Tyler was 13, she was diagnosed with a malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor. Although her arm was amputated, Tyler says, “Look for the light at the end of the tunnel, because it is there whether you notice it at first or not.” Read More >

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A Star That Helps Point the Way Toward a Cure for Childhood Cancer

Childhood Cancer Star Act

The STAR Act was crafted by parents, doctors, and organizations who strive to make a difference for children with cancer and their families, in partnership with legislators and others. Many of us could not change the outcomes for our own children. We lived the reality of hearing there were no options left. We had to watch our children suffer and die not only from cancer, but also from the side effects of the treatments they endured. That’s why we were determined to make a difference to create cures and improve childhood cancer patients’ quality of life. Read More >

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